2022 HR Insider Newsletter Summer

Spring 2022


TCDRS Webinars Tailored to Members Retirement In our last newsletter, we mentioned that TCDRS is hosting webinars with retirement planning experts for mem- bers. To view a list of webinars and to register online, please visit the TCDRS website. Topics include generati- onal planning, long-term care planning, Social Security overview, and more.

2022 Annual Open Enrollment is Starting in August! Enroll, drop or change benefts August 16, 2022 – September 9, 2022. Open enrollment is your once-a-year opportunity to change your ben- eft elections for the coming year, unless you have a qualifying life event, such as getting married or having a child.

Upcoming TCDRS webinar! Retirement Your Financial Future Thursday, August 11th, 12:00 - 1:00

Reminder: BCBS Provides COVID-19 At Home Tests at No Cost to You As in previous years, when logging in to ADP on the frst day of Open Enrollment, you will be greeted with a pop-up message asking you to start your Open Enrollment session. You will be able to review each of your elections and will be given options to keep, drop or add benefts. Join our live virtual Open Enrollment webinar on August 16, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. Speakers will include representatives from our various beneft plans. Be on the lookout for an email from HR in August with more details about the plans and the calendar invite with the Zoom link for our Open Enrollment webinar.

Retirement planning is more than just understanding your TCDRS benefts. Join TCDRS as they host spea - kers from the Association of Financial Educators to provide you with additional information related to bu- dgeting, saving, and other fnancial resources to help you plan for retirement and the unexpected on your road to retirement.

Mission Square Retirement Upcoming Education Webinars

Estate Planning Basics Wednesday, July 13

meet your fnancial goals, and improve your overall f - nancial security now and in the future. Will You Have Enough to Retire Comfortably Wednesday, Augsut 24th Most of us imagine retirement as a happy time, a reward for a lifetime of hard work, full of possibility and po- tential. We have good reason to see retirement in a po - sitive light. Americans are living longer, healthier lives than ever before. In fact, for some of us, retirement will make up a full third of our lives. Of course, this means that our retirement assets will have to do more for us over a longer period of time. This makes planning for our retirement essential. Investing for Retirement Basics Wednesday, September 14th Whether you’re just starting out in your career or need a refresher, this seminar serves as a discussion point for your retirement portfolio. It introduces basic investing concepts, including risk, asset allocation, diversifcati - on, rebalancing, market timing and dollar-cost avera- ging. Register HERE for all webinars. All webinars are held from 12:00 - 1:00 CST.

You can purchase tests at over 65,000 pharmacies na- tionwide or order them online to be shipped directly to your home. Find a list of network pharmacies at www. bcbstx.com/covid-19 or call the BCBSTX Customer Service number listed on your member ID card to help find a location near you. Only FDA-authorized at-home or over-the- counter (OTC) antigen diagnostic tests may be covered under your pharmacy benefit. These tests don’t need a prescription and a lab to read the results. If you aren’t sure if a test kit is FDA-approved or covered, ask your phar- macist for help. How do I pay for an at-home test? The easiest way to buy an at-home test is at the pharma cy counter. Ask the pharmacist to submit the claim to

Prime Therapeutics under your pharmacy benefit. You may have to show your member ID if you have not used that pharmacy before. If you don’t go to the pharmacy counter and instead

An estate plan is a map of how you want your perso- nal and fnancial affairs to be handled in the future. An effective estate plan can help ensure that your familys fnancial needs will be taken care of, and that your per - sonal wishes will be carried out in the manner you in- tended. It is a critical part of your overall fnancial plan. Social Security Wednesday, July 27th As you near retirement, one of the biggest fnancial de - cisions you’ll need to make is when to begin receiving your Social Security retirement benefts. With pensions disappearing, Social Security remains the major sour- ce of guaranteed lifetime retirement income for most Americans, so it is important to take the time to explore your options and make an informed, well-reasoned de- cision. Financial Planning Basics: Do You Have a Tailored

use the regular checkout counter, or, if your pharmacy isn’t set up to file the claims, you will have to pay for the test kits. You can file a claim to be reimbursed up to $12 per test, up to 8 tests every 30 days per covered member. This is also true if you buy them from an approved online retailer. The claim

form is available in SharePoint. Residential households in the U.S. are now eligible for another order of free at-home tests on USPS.com. Or- der your tests HERE.

Need to Update Your Beneficiaries? It is important to periodically monitor your benefciaries for your retirement and life insurance plans. You can help avoid unintended consequences by updating benefciary designations to account for life changes. You can up - date your RSLI life insurance and AD&D benefciaries by completing the Benefciary Change Form in NeoGov eForms . To update your benefciaries for TCDRS or MissionSquare, login to your portals directly to update your benefciaries.

Financial Plan in Place? Wednesday, August 10th

Everyone can beneft from a fnancial plan that is tai - lored to individual needs and circumstances. A fnanci - al roadmap can motivate you to save money, help you

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