2023-2024 Benefits Guide
Manage Your Benefits Go to http://www.Guardianlife.com to access secure information about your Guardian benefits including access to an image of your ID Card and the ability to find a provider. HEALTH REIMBURSEMENT ACCOUNT (HRA) The Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is administered through Proficient Benefits Solutions. An HRA is an employer sponsored benefit contributed 100% by the EAA and is designed to help offset medical expenses incurred by you. The HRA functions the same as an FSA plan. Even if you do not elect medical and dental coverage for your dependents, you can still utilize your HRA funds to cover their eligible expenses. The HRA contribution provided by the EAA is tied to the medical plan elected. Employees who elect the HDHP plan, are eligible to enroll in the medical HRA and a dental/vision HRA. Employees who elect the PPO plan, are only eligible to enroll in the Medical HRA.
Please refer to the table on the right for annual maximum contribution. As mentioned, for new hires, this contribution amount is prorated. The prorated amount is determined by the number of full months from an employee’s hire date. For example, if you are hired on July 5th and elect the PPO plan, then the HRA amount will be 5/12th of the annual contribution ($1000/12 X 5 = 416.67). Amounts are also prorated for the dental/vision HRA.
HRA ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION January 1 PPO $1,000.00 HDHP Medical $3,499.99 HDHP Dental & Vision $1,000.00
You can receive reimbursement from your HRA for eligible medical, dental and vision expenses incurred by you or an eligible dependent during the current plan year, January 1 – December 31. HRA funds must be reimbursed during the plan year in which the expense was incurred. For example, expenses incurred in plan year 2023, must be reimbursed from funds during the same year (2023). Claims are processed by Proficient Benefit Solutions. You CANNOT cash the HRA annual contribution out and the funds must be spent on eligible expenses. Any money that is not used during the plan year will be rolled over for use in future years for medical expenses up to a maximum of $2,500. At the end of the plan year and allotted run-off period, any funds over $2,500 are rolled over to a Retirement Health Savings Account (RHS) in April of each year. For more information regarding an RHS, please see the RHS section of this booklet. For those enrolled in the PPO Plan, $2500.00 will be rolled into the HRA account for the following year. For those enrolled in the HDHP Plan, $1500.00 of the $2500.00 will be rolled into their Medical HRA account for the following year. The remaining $1000.00 will be rolled over into their Dental and Vision HRA account. Eligible Expenses HRA eligible expenses are the same as FSA eligible expenses. A list of HRA eligible expenses can be found here. HRA Run Off Period December 31st is the last day to incur claims for the 2023 plan year, and you must submit all claims by March 31, 2023. FLEX SPENDING ACCOUNTS (FSA) A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) is a tax advantaged benefit plan administered by Proficient Benefit Solutions that allows employees to set aside portions of their salary to pay for their family’s health and/or daycare expenses. The amount set aside is not subject to payroll taxes. Flexible spending accounts contributions are based on the plan year (October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024) election. IMPORTANT : You are not eligible to contribute towards a Medical FSA or be enrolled in the employer FSA, if you or your spouse have a Health Savings Account (HSA).
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