2023 HR Insider Fall Newsletter
Fall 2023
Insider Human Resources Creativity | Collaboration | Integrity | Stewardship | Professionalism | Science-Based
Fall Edition 2023 Benefits Open Enrollment Has Concluded Human Resources Trakstar Performance Evaluations Personnal Leave Buyback Administrative Support Services Training Fourth Quarter Training Schedule Retirement Mission Square Upcoming Webinars TCDRS Pre-Retirement Webinars
Wellness ACI Holiday Stress Webinar Voluntary Vision Benefits
Records Open Records Requests, PIA, FOIA
Recruitment St. Mary’s Internship and Job Fair Current Vacancies
New Hires
Important Dates Deadlines; Anniversaries; Birthdays and Events
Fall 2023
Benefits O ur annual Open Enrollment period has closed, and your 2023-2024 benefit elections will be reflected on your October 6th paycheck. Please take this opportunity to review your benefits summary and deductions. If you switched medical or dental plans, you will receive new ID cards in the mail. You can always access digital and temporary cards by logging into your BCBS and GuardianLife accounts. You may find our benefits booklet, certificates of coverage, and plan summaries in SharePoint. HRA/FSA Contributions: On October 1, qualified employees who elected the HDHP medical plan received $500.00 into their employer FSA account. These funds may be used for medical/dental/vision expenses. As a reminder, FSA funds will be exhausted first. On January 1, 2024, employees who elected the PPO Medical Plan, will receive $1000.00 to a Medical Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) for medical/dental/vision expenses. For employees who elected the PPO HDHP Medical Plan, the EAA will contribute $3,499.99 to a Health Reim - bursement Account (HRA) for medical expenses and $1000.00 to a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) for dental and vision expenses. Outside of Open Enrollment, you may make changes to your benefits only if you experience a Qualifying Life Event. Examples of Qualifying Life Events include marriage, divorce, spouse starting or leaving employment. You must notify and submit the applicable enrollment forms within 30 days from the date of the event to make changes. If you have questions, contact Hilda Campos. Open Enrollment Has Concluded!
Trakstar Performance Evaluations EAAAnnual Performance Evaluations are just around the corner! Here are some important deadlines to keep in mind as the year progresses: Human Resources
The Administrative Support team is ready to assist with tasks and/or special projects. If you team needs assis- tance, please submit these requests to adminsupport@ edwardsaquifer.org. Be sure to include all relevant in- formation required to complete the task (document, time, date, etc.,) Support Services include assistance with: • Leases & Sales • Well Construction Permits • Violation Letters Administrative Support Services Training for Performance Evaluations for Supervisory Staff will be held, via Zoom, on November 2, 2023 and for Non-Supervisory Staff on November 15, 2023. Be on the lookout for more information from Human Resources. In the meantime, we encourage you to login to Trakstar and add notes regarding your performance. Taking notes is an important performance management tool as allevi- ates the stress of remembering projects/tasks completed throughout the year. It also allows you to efficiently assess your performance during the evaluation period. Refer to the HR Insider Summer newsletter for taking notes (Page 5). Personal Leave Buyback Employees who are eligible may participate in the Per- sonal Leave Buyback Program for 2023. To be eligible, an employee must have an accrued: 1. Personal leave balance of at least 240 hours by No - vember 30th; 2. Sick leave balance of at least 160 hours by Novem - ber 30th; and 3. Be actively employed with the EAA in December An accrued personal leave balance of 240 hours must be maintained; therefore, only the hours above the 240-
hour threshold are eligible for the Personal Leave Buy- back. An employee may “sell” some of their accrued personal leave in increments of 8 hours up to a maxi- mum of 80 hours. If you meet this criteria and wish to participate in the Personal Leave Buyback, please complete and submit the Personal Leave Buyback form via NeoGov by De - cember 3, 2023. Forms received after this deadline will not be accepted. The Personal Leave Buyback payout will be paid in the second biweekly paycheck in De- cember.
• Registered & Unregistered Letters • ASR Contracts • Binding & Printing • Labels for Mass Mailing • Postage • Meeting Room Reservations • Special Event Support
If you have concerns regarding administrative support tasks/services, please reach out to Margaret Ross.
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Fall 2023
Retirement Mission Square Retirement Upcoming Education Webinars Making Every Dollar Count: Tips for Smart Spen- ding
retirement, including Medicare and Long-Term Care considerations. Making the Most of Social Security - Retirement Income Enhancing Strategies Wednesday, November 29th - Understand the basic elements of the Social Security program and focus on strategies that can help make the most of the benefits you receive. Maximizing Your Investments: Ensuring Your Re- tirement is on Track Wednesday, December 6th - The best investing stra- tegy is a carefully planned and prepared approach to managing and accumulating money to help meet your short-term, mid-term, and long-term financial goals. Investment planning requires discipline and patience, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. The Medicare Puzzle: Understanding Your Medi- care Options Wednesday, December 13th - There are many pieces to the Medicare puzzle you need to be aware of. Gain insight to Medicare and the importance of knowing just when you need to apply. All webinars are held from 12:00 - 1:00 CST. Register HERE for all webinars.
Wednesday, October 4th - Learn how to prioritize so that you spend on what you truly want and can afford. Maximizing Your Retirement Through Tax Plan- ning Wednesday, October 11th - Taxes may be the hidden expense in your retirement plan. Take a closer look at understanding how taxes work, and how to prepare for and manage your tax liabilities in retirement. Taking Your Estate Planning to the Next Level Wednesday, October 18th - Gain a better understan- ding of the Estate Tax system and if it affects you. Learn ways to consider minimizing estate taxes. Esta- te Planning: It’s not just for the wealthy. Quarterly Economic Overview Wednesday, October 25th - Join MissionSquare Reti - rement for an update on the financial markets for the most recent quarter. Financial Planning Basics: How to Set and Achieve Your Goals Wednesday, November 1st - Everyone can benefit from a financial plan that is tailored to individual needs and circumstances. A financial roadmap can motivate you to save money, help you meet your financial goals, and improve your overall financial security now and in the future. Navigating the Next Chapter: Preparing for Your Retirement Wednesday, November 8th - If you’re retiring soon, you probably have many questions about your retire- ment accounts. Learn what you should consider next. How Health can Affect Your Wealth in Retire - ment Wednesday, November 15th - An in-depth look into the many different aspects of planning and preparing for unexpected (and expected) healthcare costs in
SOCIAL SECURITYADMINISTRATION Your TCDRS benefit is only one part of your overall retirement picture. Join TCDRS as they host speakers from the Social Security Administration. Get an overview of Social Security and have a chance to ask your questions live. Click HERE to register. A Social Security Representative will present an overall review of this federal benefit on the following dates: General Overview Wednesday, October 11th, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m . General Overview and Windfall Elimination Provision Thursday, October 12th, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m . ASSOCIATION OF FINANCIAL EDUCATORS Retirement planning is more than just understanding your TCDRS benefits. Join TCDRS as they host speakers from the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner (OCCC), the state agency that provides regulatory oversight of Texas’ financial marketplace. The OCCC educates consumers about credit, debt, their rights, responsibilities, protections and safeguards against abusive and deceptive lending practices. Click HERE to register.
Transferring Assets for Generational Planning Wednesday, October 18th, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m . Getting Long-Term Care Right Thursday, December 7th, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
OFFICE OF CONSUMER CREDIT COMMISSIONER (OCCC) Retirement planning is more than just understanding your TCDRS benefits. Join TCDRS as they host speakers from the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner (OCCC), the state agency that provides regulatory oversight of Texas’ financial marketplace. The OCCC educates consumers about credit, debt, their rights, responsibilities, protections and safeguards against abusive and deceptive lending practices. Click HERE to register.
Avoiding Financial Exploitation Online Wednesday, October 25th, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m .
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Fall 2023
4th Quarter Training/Events Training
NOVEMBER 8, 2023
TIME: 10:00-11:00 LOCATION/PLATEFORM: VIRTUAL/ZOOM This session will provide information regarding updates to EAGIS 2.0. Staff will have an opportunity to ask ge - neral questions and learn best practices for using the system.
OCTOBER 11, 2023
TIME: 2:30 - 3:30 LOCATION/PLATEFORM: VIRTUAL/ZOOM Cyber Security Attacks are on the rise. Do you know the EAA reporting and response procedures? Learn aware- ness and how to act quickly if you’re a victim of a cyber-attack. Topics include: • Reporting a cyber security incident to security@edwardsaquifer.org • Reporting phishing emails with the Phish Alert button • MFA overview • Identifying Phishing emails
Click to JOIN ZOOM on Day of Event ADD to your Outlook Calendar (.ics)
NOVEMBER 15, 2023
This session is for those who need additional assistance navigating Trakstar, our online performance management platform. We will walk-through the evaluation process including completing a self-assessment, adding notes/ comments, and uploading supporting documentation.
• Identifying Smishing (SMS Phishing) text • Identifying Vishing (Voicemail phishing) • Antivirus client overview • Social engineering Password policy overview • Using VPN for security purposes
Click to JOIN ZOOM on Day of Event ADD to your Outlook Calendar (.ics)
Click to JOIN ZOOM on Day of Event ADD to your Outlook Calendar (.ics) Meeting ID: 924 6871 5254 Passcode: 668951
NOVEMBER 15, 2023
OCTOBER 19, 2023
A well-designed performance management program helps employees understand how their work contributes to the overall vision, mission and success of the organization. In this session, we will walk-through the performance management and development program including steps required for completion of the employee annual evalua- tion. By Invitation Only. Zoom link to join has been sent to designated group via Outlook.
This refresher training will be available in NEOGOV beginning October 19th. The refresher training will discuss topics such as EAARecords Management, Records Retention, Open Records Requests, and provide end-user tips for SharePoint. Employees who complete this training by the end of the year will receive a gift from the Records Department.
OCTOBER 31, 2023
TIME: 10:00-11:00 LOCATION/PLATEFORM: VIRTUAL/ZOOM Navigating the Next Chapter: Preparing for Your Retirement. If you’re retiring soon, you probably have many questions about your retirement accounts. Learn what you should consider next. Click HERE to Register Once registered, you’ll receive an email confirmation and link to add the event to your calendar.
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Fall 2023
Records Open Records Requests, PIA, FOIA The Texas Public Information Act (PIA) (Texas Government Code Chapter 552) and the Free- dom of Information Act (FOIA) give the public the right to request access to government infor- mation. Under the Act, all government informa- tion is presumed open unless there is a specific exception to disclosure. Additionally, we as pub- lic information officers and providers cannot ask the requester why they want information. Infor- mation can exist in any format including paper, audio, microfilm, video, and emails. However, the Act does not require the EAA to create new information, do research or answer questions. The Act goes into effect when a person submits a written request (email, open records request form, etc.) to a governmental body (in this case, the EAA). Requests can be submitted via the EAA Open Records Center. Open Records Request Process An open records request will be sent to and han- dled by the records department. Per the Act, an agency must respond to a request promptly. If a request can’t be filled within 10 business days af - ter the EAA received the request, the requester must be informed of the latest date and time the Recruitment St. Mary’s Internship and Job Fair
Wellness ACI Holiday Stress Webinar
EAA will provide the information. If any kind of clarification is needed to complete the request, please let the Records Coordinator (Nichelle Cunningham) know. They will contact the request. The clarification request will put the “10 business days” clock on hold until the re- quester responds. If the requester does not re- spond in 60 days, the request will be considered withdrawn. A request may also be sent to any EAA employee. Staff should forward the request to the records de - partment to be processed or fill the request them - selves. If the employee responds to the request, they are required to provide a copy of the original request and their response to the Records Coor- dinator. If a requester calls you for information, please have them send you their request in writ- ing before completing the request. When records necessary to fill a request need to be retrieved from an EAA employee, the Records Coordinator will assign the employee an Activi- ty via the Open Records Center. For step-by-step instructions on how to complete an Activity, click HERE .
Voluntary Vision Benefits W ith the rollout of our newvoluntary vision benefits, those who elected the voluntary vision plan through BCBS should have received their member ID cards by now via mail. You can begin using your new vision benefit plan effective 10/01/2023. You can create your online account by visiting www.eyemedvisioncare.com/bcbstxvis and clicking on “Need to register?” You will be asked to provide either your member ID number found on your ID card or the last four digits of your SSN to register. Upon creation of your account, you will be able to find in-network providers, review benefits, use their cost estimator tool, and see your claims.
CURRENT VACANCIES Senior Art Design Specialist Stay up to date with the latest job vacancies by visiting the EAA Careers page. You can also receive email notifications by subscribing to government jobs Access Membership. Once you’ve subscribed, enter Edwards Aquifer Au- thority under the Find Jobs tab and you will re - ceive an email alert when there is a job posting.
On September 19, 2023 Human Re - sources participated in the St. Mary’s Humanities and STEM Internship and Job Fair. Interested students visited the EAA booth asking questions and ex- ploring opportunities for career paths.
Human Resources will continue to participate in additional recruiting events throughout the next cou - ple of months as they become available.
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Fall 2023
New Hires Casey Cowen
We would like to recognize and congratulate our 4th quarter 2023 EAA employee anniversaries. Thank you for your dedicated service and we wish you many more successful years ahead! Anniversaries
Date Of Hire Recognized at Board Years of Service
Aquifer Sustainability Supervisor
Sarah Eason
10/07/2013 10/08/2018 10/21/1998 11/24/2008
10/10/2023 10/10/2023 11/14/2023 12/12/2023
10 Years 5 Years 25 Years 15 Years
Casey joined the Aquifer Sustainability department on September 18th. Casey received a Bachelor of Science degree in Wildlife Biology from Texas State Uni- versity. Casey comes to the EAAwith 10 years of experience in wildlife and land management. Casey will be responsible for supervising staff and leading the EAA
Mounika Dereddy
Brenda Davis Omar Garcia
Deadlines and Events
conservation easement monitoring program focused on sus- tainability of groundwater quality and quantity in support of the mission and values of the EAA, to include EAA Next Generation initiatives.
October 06 Payday October 11 Cyber Security & Response Training October 12 Staff Meeting October 13 Timesheets Due October 19 Records Refresher Training October 20 Payday October 25 ACI Health & Wellness Webinar October 27 Timesheets Due October 31 MissionSquare Income Planning Webinar November 02 The Evaluation Process for Supervisors November 03 Payday November 08 EAGIS 2.0 Update Review November 09 Timesheets Due November 10 Veterans Day - Office Closed November 15 The Evaluation Process for Non-Supervisors November 16 Staff Meeting November 17 Payday November 22 Timesheets Due November 23 Thanksgiving Day - Office Closed November 24 Day after Thanksgiving - Office Closed December 01 Payday December 08 Timesheets Due December 14 Staff Meeting December 15 Payday December 21 Timesheets Due December 25 Christmas Day - Office Closed December 26 Day after Christmas - Office Closed December 29 Payday
Isabella Orta Field Inspection Intern
Birthdays Jenny Adkins Schudrowitz October 08 Jeffrey Robinson October 10 Olivia Ybarra Lopez October 16 Ed Flores October 17 Damon Childs October 17 Kyle Craig October 18 Changbing Yang October 20 Roger Andrade October 24 Chuck Crawford October 27 David L. Gregory November 01 Brent Doty November 07 Isabella Orta November 08 Elizabeth Gonzales November 09 Hilda Campos Hayakawa November 09 Savannah Finger November 12 Jorge Paramo November 21 Marc Friberg November 29 Casey Cowen December 04 Brenda Davis December 08 Roland Ruiz December 14 Hakan Basagaoglu December 15 Karen Mendiondo December 20 Cassie Carr December 20 Jim Boenig December 31
Isabella joined the EAA on Sep- tember 6, 2023. Isabella is pur- suing a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography and Environmental Sustainability from the University of Texas at San Antonio with an expected graduation date of Au- gust 2024.
KaraWard Communications & Development Intern
Kara joined the EAA on September 6, 2023. Kara is pursuing a Bachelor of Busi- ness Administration degree from the Uni- versity of Texas at San Antonio with an ex- pected graduation date of December 2023.
Julian Reyes Information Technology Intern
Nayeli Esquilin Communications & Development Intern
Julian joined the EAA on Septem - ber 18, 2023. Julian is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Cyber Security from Texas A&M University-San Antonio with an expected graduation date of May 2026.
Nayeli joined the EAA on September 5, 2023. Nayeli is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism from Texas State University with an expected gradua- tion date of December 2024.
Halah Al Sammarraie Information Technology Intern
Cassie Carr Administration & Financial Services Intern
Halah joined the EAA on Septem - ber 18, 2023. Halah is pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administra- tion degree in Cyber Security from the University of Texas at San An- tonio with an expected graduation date of December 2024.
Cassie joined the EAA on September 18, 2023. Cassie is pursuing a Bachelor of Bu- siness Administration degree in Informa- tion Systems from the University of Texas at San Antonio with an expected gradua- tion date of May 2024.
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