2023 HR Insider Fall Newsletter

Fall 2023

Records Open Records Requests, PIA, FOIA The Texas Public Information Act (PIA) (Texas Government Code Chapter 552) and the Free- dom of Information Act (FOIA) give the public the right to request access to government infor- mation. Under the Act, all government informa- tion is presumed open unless there is a specific exception to disclosure. Additionally, we as pub- lic information officers and providers cannot ask the requester why they want information. Infor- mation can exist in any format including paper, audio, microfilm, video, and emails. However, the Act does not require the EAA to create new information, do research or answer questions. The Act goes into effect when a person submits a written request (email, open records request form, etc.) to a governmental body (in this case, the EAA). Requests can be submitted via the EAA Open Records Center. Open Records Request Process An open records request will be sent to and han- dled by the records department. Per the Act, an agency must respond to a request promptly. If a request can’t be filled within 10 business days af - ter the EAA received the request, the requester must be informed of the latest date and time the Recruitment St. Mary’s Internship and Job Fair

Wellness ACI Holiday Stress Webinar

EAA will provide the information. If any kind of clarification is needed to complete the request, please let the Records Coordinator (Nichelle Cunningham) know. They will contact the request. The clarification request will put the “10 business days” clock on hold until the re- quester responds. If the requester does not re- spond in 60 days, the request will be considered withdrawn. A request may also be sent to any EAA employee. Staff should forward the request to the records de - partment to be processed or fill the request them - selves. If the employee responds to the request, they are required to provide a copy of the original request and their response to the Records Coor- dinator. If a requester calls you for information, please have them send you their request in writ- ing before completing the request. When records necessary to fill a request need to be retrieved from an EAA employee, the Records Coordinator will assign the employee an Activi- ty via the Open Records Center. For step-by-step instructions on how to complete an Activity, click HERE .

Voluntary Vision Benefits W ith the rollout of our newvoluntary vision benefits, those who elected the voluntary vision plan through BCBS should have received their member ID cards by now via mail. You can begin using your new vision benefit plan effective 10/01/2023. You can create your online account by visiting www.eyemedvisioncare.com/bcbstxvis and clicking on “Need to register?” You will be asked to provide either your member ID number found on your ID card or the last four digits of your SSN to register. Upon creation of your account, you will be able to find in-network providers, review benefits, use their cost estimator tool, and see your claims.

CURRENT VACANCIES Senior Art Design Specialist Stay up to date with the latest job vacancies by visiting the EAA Careers page. You can also receive email notifications by subscribing to government jobs Access Membership. Once you’ve subscribed, enter Edwards Aquifer Au- thority under the Find Jobs tab and you will re - ceive an email alert when there is a job posting.

On September 19, 2023 Human Re - sources participated in the St. Mary’s Humanities and STEM Internship and Job Fair. Interested students visited the EAA booth asking questions and ex- ploring opportunities for career paths.

Human Resources will continue to participate in additional recruiting events throughout the next cou - ple of months as they become available.

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