2023 HR Insider Newsletter Spring edition
Spring 2023
New Hires Amjad “AJ” Rashid
We would like to recognize and congratulate our 2nd quarter 2023 EAA employee anniversaries. Thank you for your dedicated service and we wish you many more successful years ahead! Anniversaries
Destiny Guerra Field Inspection Technician
Information Technology Director
Date Of Hire
Recognized at Board
Years of Service
Destiny joined the Regulatory Affairs department on March 18, 2023. Des- tiny received two Associate degrees from St. Phillip’s College and will gra- duate with a Bachelor of Science de- gree in Water Resources Science and Technology from Texas A&M Uni- versity-San Antonio in May. Destiny
AJ joined the Information Techno- logy services department on March 6, 2023. AJ received a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Sys- tems and a Master of Business Admi- nistration inManagement Information Systems from Western International University. AJ is also certified on
Roberto Esquilin Damon Childs
03/26/1998 05/07/2018
04/11/2023 05/09/2023
25 Years 5 Years
Deadlines and Events
comes to the EAA with one year. Destiny most recently held the position of Intern for Field Inspection at the EAA and will be working full-time in the same department. As an Intern, Destiny assisted with verification testing, basic electronic setup, installing new equipment during on-site visits, obtaining meter readings, and performing meter rea- ding data entry. Destiny will be responsible for providing support to various regulatory compliance programs, inclu- ding compliance and enforcement field investigations.
multiple technology platforms for Microsoft and Cisco. AJ comes to the EAA with over 25 years of experience in building I.T. infrastructures/services from the ground up and is well versed in systems, networks, databases, cyber security and VOIP Telecommunications. AJ will be responsible for managing and directing all activities associated with the development and implementation of the EAA’s management information system (MIS) and telecommunications.
April 07 Payday April 13 Staff Meeting April 14 Timesheets Due April 19 Procurement, Contracting & Contractors Training April 21 San Jacinto Day State Holiday April 21 Payday April 25 Neogov eforms Training April 27 Timesheets Due April 28 Battle of Flowers Holiday - Office Closed May 05 Payday May 11 Staff Meeting May 12 Timesheets Due May 18 Annual Cyber Security Training May 19 Payday May 24 TDCRS Retirement Seminar & Individual Counseling May 26 Timesheets Due May 29 Memorial Day - Office Closed June 01 Field Safety Protocol Training June 02 Payday June 09 Timesheets Due
Ma rga r e t Ros s Tama r a P i nzon Tamau j Thoma s Ma r t i n He r nandez Chuck Ah r ens Ben Ur banczyk Ri cha r d Gonza l ez
Ap r i l 04 Ap r i l 13 Ap r i l 14 Ap r i l 16 Ap r i l 18 Ap r i l 24 Ap r i l 27 Ap r i l 30 May 08 May 15 May 20 May 21 May 30 May 31 May 31 June 09 June 09 June 19 June 25
Karen Mendiondo Communications Intern
Sheikh Kenneh Communications Intern
Karen joined the EAAon January 9, 2023. Karen is currently pursuing a PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from the University of Texas – SanAntonio with an expec- ted graduation date of May 2024.
Sheikh joined the EAA on January 23, 2023. Sheikh is pursuing a Master of Science degree in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Texas – San Antonio with an expected gradua- tion date of December 2024.
R E T I R E M E N T We would like to wish Robin Tremallo and Chuck Ahrens a happy and healthy retirement! Thank you for the years of ded- icated and loyal service to the EAA!
Wa l ke r Cag l e
J av i e r He r nandez Oma r Be t ha r t e
Ea r l Pa r ke r I I
Chad Fu r l
June 15
Staff Meeting
Al ys s a Ba l zen
June 16 Payday June 19 Juneteenth Holiday - Office Closed June 21 ACI Health & Wellness Webinar June 23 Timesheets Due June 30 Payday
Ana s t ac i o Moncada
Joey Tova r
Ad r i an Lopez
Thoma s Ma r s a l i a
Roe l Loe r a Pau l At on
11 / 12
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