2023 HR Insider Newsletter Summer edition

Summer 2023


Take NOTES in Trakstar Have you taken notes in Trakstar regarding your performance? Taking notes is an important performance man - agement tool that alleviates the stress of remembering projects/tasks completed throughout the year. It also allows you to efficiently assess your performance come evaluation period. If you need assistance navigating Trakstar, please reach out to Margaret Ross. H ere’s how to take notes in Trakstar: 1. Select My Notes from the Homepage - You can find ‘My Notes’ tab on the left-hand side of your screen. Human Resources

2023 Annual Open Enrollment is Starting in August!

2. Input Your Note - Enter your note in the text box and select a privacy setting to determine if the note will be visible to your manager. Select a competency that this note is related to. If no com - petency is selected, your text will be placed in the General Notes section. You may also attach a file (Customer Letter, Certificate etc.). Save by clicking Add This Note.

Enroll, drop or change benefits August 15, 2023 – September 15, 2023. Open enrollment is your once-a-year opportunity to change your benefit elections for the coming year, unless you have a qualifying life event, such as getting married or having a child. As in previous years, when logging in to ADP on the first day of open enrollment, you will be greeted with a pop- up message asking you to start your Open Enrollment session. You will be able to review each of your elections and will be given options to keep, drop or add benefits. Join our live virtual Open Enrollment webinar on August 15, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. Speakers will include representa - tives from our various benefit plans. Be on the lookout for an email from HR in August with more details about the plans and the calendar invite with the Zoom link for our Open Enrollment webinar. Important Reminder: Review and Update Beneficiary Designations Have you reviewed your beneficiary designations lately? It’s essential to keep those up to date for your life in - surance and retirement savings. Life-changing events like marriage, divorce, having a child, or death can make a significant impact. That’s why it’s crucial to regularly review your beneficiary designations and ensure they’re current. Depending on your per - sonal and financial situation, you may need to change beneficiaries. Make sure to make any necessary updates and changes promptly to ensure your benefits are distributed according to your wishes. To update your beneficiary designations, please complete the Beneficiary Change Form available in NeoGov.

View and Update your Federal Tax Withhold (Form W-4) in ADP All taxpayers should review their federal withholding each year to make sure they’re not having too little or too much tax withheld. Employees, retirees and self-employed individuals can use the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator to help decide if they should make a change to their withholding. This online tool guides users, step-by-step through the process of checking their withholding, and provides withholding recommendations to help aim for their desired refund amount when they file next year. To update your Federal Tax withholding, log in to ADP. Navigate to the Myself tab, select the Myself tab, and navigate to Tax Withholdings under Pay.

EAA Badges Coming Soon H uman Resources will be issuing new EAA Badges in the next few weeks. Stay tuned for an email from Human Resources on when to swap out your current badge for an updated one. In the meantime, if you have any questions or need assistance with your EAA badge, please reach out to Valerie Diaz.

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