2023 HR Insider Newsletter Summer edition

Summer 2023

Retirement Mission Square Retirement Upcoming Education Webinars


Mission Square Retirement Seminar (onsite) A deep dive into retirement considerations such as working during retirement, income planning, health care costs, long-term care, accounting for inflation, tax implications, Social Security ba - sics, and more. Join us to find out more on in - come planning during retirement. This training will be held in-person at the EAA Recharge room Wednesday, September 27th 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Maximizing Your Investments: Ensuring Your Reti- rement is on Track Wednesday, July 12th - The best investing strategy is a carefully planned and prepared approach to managing and accumulating money to help meet your short-term, mid-term, and long-term financial goals. Investment planning requires discipline and patience, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Effective Estate Planning: Protecting Your Assets for the Future Wednesday, July 19th - An effective estate plan can help ensure your family’s financial needs will be taken care of, and that your personal wishes will be carried

ment, including Medicare and Long-Term Care consi - derations. Social Security: Understanding Your Retirement Benefit Options Wednesday, August 30th - As you near retirement, one of the biggest financial decisions to make is when to begin receiving Social Security benefits. With pensions disappearing, Social Security remains the major sour - ce of guaranteed lifetime retirement income for most Americans, so it’s important to explore your options and make an informed decision. Roth IRA: A Flexible and Tax-Efficient Way to Save for Retirement

I nc ome P l a n n i ng

10 Best Foods To Eat Wednesday, August 30th, 10:00am - 11:00am While a healthy diet consists of eating a variety of healthy foods, there are some that have more health benefits than others and are considered “super foods”. Join us to find out more about the 10 best foods to include in your diet. CLICK to HERE to register. Once registered, you’ll receive an email con- firmation and link to add the event to your calendar. Wellness ACI Health & Wellness Webinar

out in the event of your death. Quarterly Economic Overview Wednesday, July 26th - Join Missi - onSquare Retirement for an upda - te on the financial markets for the most recent quarter. Retirement 101: A Comprehen- sive Overview

Wednesday, September 6th - Roth IRAs have become popular retire - ment savings vehicles because if certain conditions are satisfied, dis - tributions are free from federal in - come taxes. Is a Roth IRA right for you? The answer is complicated and depends on your situation, including whether you believe you’ll be in a higher tax bracket in the future. The Importance of Long-Term Care Planning in Retirement Wednesday, September 13th - Accor -

Wednesday, August 2nd - Most of us imagine retirement as a happy time — a reward for a lifetime of hard work, full of possibilities. With Americans living longer, re - tirement will make up a full third of many people’s lives. This makes planning for it es - sential. Women & Money: Preparing for future finances Wednesday, August 9th - More women than ever are responsible for their financial well-being and that of their families. No matter what life stage they’re in, they need to know how to save, invest, and plan for the fu - ture. How Health can Affect Your Wealth in Retire- ment Wednesday, August 16th - An in-depth look into the many different aspects of planning and preparing for unexpected (and expected) healthcare costs in retire -

ding to the federal government, a majority of people over age 65 will need some type of long-term health care, with a significant number of people needing care in a nursing home. Learn how you can plan for this expense. The Medicare Puzzle: Understanding Your Medica- re Options Wednesday, September 27th - There are many pieces to the Medicare puzzle you need to be aware of. Gain insight to Medicare and the importance of knowing just when you need to apply. All webinars are held from 12:00 - 1:00 CST. Register HERE for all webinars.

WELLNESS NEWSLETTER Click HERE to explore wellness tips, resources, and reci pes in our monthly wellness newsletter.

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