2024 EAA Training & Development Catalog
A Message from Human Resources This training catalog is your guide for information regarding cours - es facilitated by EAA Human Resources, Information Technology, Fi - nance departments, and our benefit representatives for 2024. Our commitment to support a continuous learning environment remains unchanged and the events/courses offered are designed to assist you in enhancing your skills, personally and professionally. Discover a wealth of learning through our on-line platforms such as NEOGOV, Texas Municipal League (TMLIRP), New Horizons Comput - er Learning Centers, and Fred Pryor Career Track. Topics range from communication, time management, software applications, personal growth, and health/wellness. Join us onsite for health/wellness pre - sentations with the YMCA, or virtually for work/life balance, bud - geting, and retirement webinars with ACI Speciality Benefits, PNC Bank, TCDRS, and MissionSquare Retirement. We hope you use this catalog as a guide to plan, request, and sched - ule training in the months to come. If you have questions regard - ing the registration process, course offerings, or find a conference/ training/workshop that would be of benefit to others, please let us
know. We’d love to hear from you. Wishing you the very best in 2024! ~ Your Human Resources Department
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