2024 HR Insider Summer newsletter with back cover

Summer 2024

Records SharePoint – File Path Limits


T he file path of a file in SharePoint contains the file’s name and the name of every parent folder before it. A “parent folder” is a folder that contains the file/folder in question. An example of a file path is pictured below:

Welcome Summer Intern/Work Study Students

Program, hosted by Family ServiceAssociation of SanAn- tonio Inc., is an annual program that prepares and places young interns in professional job set-

As the sun beats down this sum - mer, we're thrilled to welcome four talented summer interns/ work study students over the next two months. Our interns,

dents and is sponsored by the City of San Antonio. The pro - gram exposes students to pro - fessional opportunities and in - novative career paths through

tings each s umme r . The pro- gram is open to youth be - tween the ages of

The file path limit in SharePoint is 400 characters and the limit for a file or folder name is 255 characters. If these limits are reached, when trying to move files or create new files and folders, you may receive an error message claiming the “file path exceeds the limit”. Tips for shortening a file path: • Try to remove or exclude spaces from file and folder names. A space in a file path will be replaced by %20 in SharePoint, which is now 3 characters instead of a single space as you see it. Instead, try using an underscore _ or dash –. • Consider using metadata columns for information like the date, county, etc, instead of placing that informa - tion in the file/folder name.

Trinity Espinoza

Maryen Chavez

Victoria Buentello

Marcus Luna

paid internships, professional development workshops, and networking opportunities. Pro - gram participants are placed with government entities, non-profit agencies, and private organizations to gain experi - ence in high-demand occupa - tions in an effort to attract San Antonio’s graduating profes - sionals to career opportunities within the local community. The Youth Summer Internship

14-17 who live within San An - tonio’s city council districts 1-8. Our IT department is currently hosting and mentoring Mar - cus Luna from Cast Tech High School. We're thrilled to have these tal - ented individuals join our team and bring their unique perspec - tives and skills to the table. Wel - come, Trinity, Maryen, Victoria and Marcus! We're excited to have you on board!

Trinity, Maryen, and Victoria, from the Ambassador Summer Internship Program come to us with a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm, and we're ex - cited to see the impact they'll make during their time with us. Trinity and Vicorita will be working with our Communica - tions department and Maryen will be working with our Aqui - fer Sustainability department. The internship program is for currently enrolled college stu -

• Avoid using redundant terms like “file”, “docu - ment”, “record”, etc, in file and folder names. • Avoid using repetitive terms in folders and file na - mes. For example, a folder called “Pictures” contains a folder within it called “2024 Pictures”. • Start with renaming a parent folder; these changes will help every folder and file below it. Next, try to shorten the file name. • Consider moving the file/folder to a higher location in the file path (folder hierarchy). For any other questions regarding SharePoint file pats and SharePoint Records, contact Sr Records Coordi- nator, Nichelle Cunningham. Source: “UCONN Knowledge Base” https:// kb.uconn.edu/space/IKB/26258049054/Share - Point+-+File+Path+Limits+Explained

We l lnes s News l e t t er

Follow this link to to view this month's news - letter including tips on managing stress, protecting your skin and eyes, and the heal - th benefits of gardening.


It is with a mix of sadness and celebration that we announce the re - tirement of Earl Parker, who will be leaving our orga - nization after an incredible 21 years of dedicated ser- vice. Earl has been an integral part of our team, making significant contributions to our growth and success! We wish Earl and his family all the best and look forward to staying in touch!

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