2024 HR Insider Summer newsletter

Summer 2024

Information Technology Exciting News: A New Website for EdwardsAquifer.org!

Cyber Security: AI and their Dangers to People caught in their grasp! What is Deepfake?

Deepfakes pose significant risks across various domains. As individ - uals and organizations, we must be vigilant and take appropriate action: Financial and Business Risks: Deepfakes can lead to financial loss - es, especially if they deceive em- ployees into making unauthorized transactions. Brands may suffer reputational damage due to fake en - dorsements or misleading content. Emotional Impact: Victims of deepfake attacks may experience emotional distress. It’s essential to approach such situations thoughtful - ly. Immediate Steps: Report deepfake threats promptly to the platforms where they appear. Request remov - al. Consider involving law enforce - ment or seeking professional assis - tance if necessary. Remember, a measured response and informed action are crucial when dealing with deepfakes.

A deepfake refers to an image or video created using artificial intel - ligence (AI). These AI-generated media manipulate faces, bodies, or voices, making people appear to do or say things they never actually did. The term “deepfake” comes from combining “deep learning” (the un - derlying technology) and “fakes.” Unlike shallowfakes, which are sim - pler manipulated images, deepfakes involve significant human input and rely on large sets of existing data to create convincing content How to detect a Deepfake? Detecting deepfakes can be chal - lenging, but there are several tech - niques you can use to spot them: 1. Visual Anomalies : • Look for inconsistencies in facial movements, unnatural expressions, or odd eye movements. Deepfakes often struggle with realistic motion. • Pay attention to lip-sync accuracy. If the audio doesn’t match the lip movements, it could be a sign of manipulation

2. Quality of Details : Check for artifacts around the face, especially near the eyes, hairline, and mouth. Poorly generated deep- fakes may have blurry edges or strange pixelation . 3. Context and Behavior : • Consider the context: Is the content plausible? Does it align with the person’s usual behavior? • Be cautious if the video or image is sensational, controversial, or too good to be true. What to do If I am targeted by a Deepfake?

If you haven’t heard, our IT team is hard at work developing a brand-new website to replace edwardsaqui - fer.org. The upcoming site will feature an innovative theme designed for easy navigation. We’re thrilled to announce that the project is on track for completion by September 30th, 2024. Stay tuned for more updates as we enhance and improve our users online experience with the Edwards Aquifer Authority! A New ‘Metter Matters’App! U p t i m e Our IT department diligently monitors system uptime us -

ServiceDesk Plus Cloud Migration Complete! O ur IT team has successfully migrated the EAAs ticketing sys - tem, ServiceDesk Plus, to the cloud. This system plays a crucial role in handling ticket submissions for IT, Records, and com - munications requests. But that’s not all—the move to the cloud brings significant advantages:

Our IT team is collaborating closely with the RegulatoryAffairs Team to create an en - hanced Metter Matters application for both iOS and Android platforms. This revamped app will elevate the user experience by en - hancing design, functionality, and features

ing robust tools. As of year-to-date, our average uptime in 2024 has con - sistently exceeded 99%. We remain committed to ensuring seamless avail - ability across all systems. Thank you for your con - tinued support and trust in our services.

• Anywhere Access: With ServiceDesk Plus now in the cloud, you can access the ticketing system from an - ywhere, even when you’re on the move. No need for a VPN—simply navigate to help.edwardsaquifer.org in any browser, log in with your email address and password, and get the assistance you need. • Software updates: The Cloud system allows our users to utilize the latest features and enhancements as soon as they are available. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance our services and streamline your experience with Ser - viceDesk Plus Cloud!

compared to the existing version. We’re thrilled to announce that the project is set to be completed by De - cember 2024.

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