2024 HR Insider Summer newsletter

Summer 2024

Insider Human Resources Creativity | Collaboration | Integrity | Stewardship | Professionalism | Science-Based

Summer Edition 2024

Benefits 2024 Annual Open Enrollment Human Resources

Request to Attend a Conference Administrative Support Services Retirement Mission Square Upcoming Webinars TCDRS Webinars Training 3rd Quarter Training Events Records Sharepoint - File Path Limits Wellness Wellness Newsletter Recruitment Summer Intern Work Study Students New Hires Anniversaries Important Dates Deadlines; Anniversaries; Birthdays and Events Information Technology New EAAWebsite Metters Matters App Uptime Cyber Security ServiceDesk Plus Cloud Migration

New Multifunction Devices Conference rooms upgrades Printer Logic Migration






Summer 2024


NEOGOV Request to Attend a Conference Human Resources

2024 Annual Open Enrollment is Starting in August! E nroll, drop or change benefits August 19th – September 13th. Open enrollment is your once-a-year oppor - tunity to change your benefit elections for the coming year, unless you have a qualifying life event, such as getting married or having a child. As in previous years, when logging in to ADP on the first day of open enrollment, you will be greeted with a pop- up message asking you to start your Open Enrollment session. You will be able to review each of your elections and will be given options to keep, drop or add benefits. Join our live virtual Open Enrollment webinar on Monday, August 19th, at 9:00 a.m. Speakers will include repre - sentatives from our various benefit plans. Be on the lookout for an email from HR in August with more details about the plans and the calendar invite with the Zoom link for our Open Enrollment webinar.

The Request to Attend a Conference, Training, or Symposium form is being updated in NEOGOV! In addition to the supporting documentation for esti - mated expenses, you are now required to include justi - fication for attending the conference. This Justification is written with the aim of explaining the reasons why a request should be granted. Additionally, the new form requires approval by your Executive Director, therefore, we ask that you be con - siderate of this when submitting your request and al - low time for the approval process. How do you write Justification? Clearly state what the request is for and your inten - tions for requesting to attend the conference, training, or symposium. Explain the benefits to the parties in -

volved, includ - ing any relevant data that sup - ports your need to attend.

How long should this Justification be ? There is no length requirement for justification. How - ever, it is recommended that this should be, at least, a paragraph (3-5 sentences) that clearly state the need to attend the event. We appreciate your cooperation including this new re - quirement in NEOGOV. If you have questions or need further assistance, please reach out to Margaret Ross at ext. 110 or via email. The Administrative Support team is ready to assist with tasks and/or special projects. If your team needs assistance, please submit these requests through ad- minsupport@edwardsaquifer.org. Be sure to include all relevant information required to complete the task (document, time, date, etc). Support Services include assistance with: • Leases & Sales • Well Construction Permits • Violation Letters • Registered & Unregistered Letters • ASR Contracts • Binding & Printing • Labels for Mass Mailing • Postage • Meeting Room Reservations • Special Event Support If you have questions regarding administrative sup - port tasks/services, please reach out to Margaret Ross. Administrative Support Services

Our Teambuilding event will be held on Thursday, August 15, 2024 at PinS- tack located at 742 NW Loop 410, Suite 201, San Antonio, 78216. Em - ployees need to arrive at PinStack by 8:15 am. Employees may park in front of the building or parking lot. A light breakfast will be provided. The team building will begin at 8:30 am and will consist of a speaker for our morning event followed by lunch at 11:30 am. The afternoon will include fun activities, starting with bowling at 12:30, followed by video games and attractions. If you have any questions regarding the event, please reach out to Elizabeth Posada.

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Summer 2024

Retirement Mission Square Retirement Upcoming Education Webinars Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs): What, How and When


ment, including Medicare and Long-Term Care con - siderations. Social Security: Understanding Your Retirement Benefit Options Wednesday, August 28th - As you near retirement, one of the biggest financial decisions to make is when to begin receiving Social Security benefits. With pensi - ons disappearing, Social Security remains the major source of guaranteed lifetime retirement income for most Americans, so it’s important to explore your op - tions and make an informed decision. An Introduction to Annuities Wednesday, September 4th - Baby Boomers are facing a retirement that may last 30 years or more. But many retirees will need to supplement their retirement inco - me as fewer have access to traditional pension plans they can depend on. See if and how an annuity plays a role in your future. Tax Laws and Your Retirement Wednesday, September 11th - Taxes may be the hidden expense in your retirement plan. Take a closer look at understanding how taxes work, and how to prepare for and manage your tax liabilities in retirement. 10 Questions for a Successful Retirement: A Guide for the Retiree Wednesday, September 18th - Transitioning into and through retirement can be rewarding and challenging. So having a plan is important. We’ll focus on 10 key questions you should ask, from saving, to Social Se - curity and Medicare, and managing your investments, withdrawals, and taxes. The Medicare Puzzle: Understanding Your Medi- care Options Wednesday, September 25th - There are many pieces to the Medicare puzzle you need to be aware of. Gain insight to Medicare and the importance of knowing just when you need to apply. All webinars are held from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Register HERE for all webinars.

Wednesday, July 17th - JThe RMD landscape has gone through many changes over the past couple of years. With SECURE 2.0, we’re faced with even more. Here we look at those changes and how you can help pre - pare yourself for the inevitable day when you need to begin your RMD. Retirement Income Planning: Tips to Help Make Your Money Last Wednesday, July 24th - Understanding how much in - come you’ll need to support the retirement you want, and positioning your assets to provide that income, is important. While there’s no one-size-fits-all plan, the - re are steps you can take to maximize the possibility of

ENVISION YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE Retirement planning begins on day one. Join TCDRS for a webinar to review how your TCDRS retirement plan works and how life changes can impact your benefits. We’ll also discuss the importance of saving outside your TCDRS plan. The earlier you start saving for retirement, the more options you’ll have when you are ready to take that next step. 2 Sessions - Wednesday, August 7th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. and Friday, September 20th, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Click HERE to register. PREPARING FOR A SUCCESSFUL TCDRS RETIREMENT Retirement is not just about the money. If you are thinking about retiring in the next five years, join TCDRS for a webinar about how to plan for a successful retirement. We’ll not only talk about the financial aspect of retirement, but the emotional transition as well. Plus, we’ll walk you through the steps for processing your TCDRS retire - ment. 3 Sessions - Wednesday, July 24th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 23rd, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. and Wednesday, September 11th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Click HERE to register. WELCOME TO TCDRS If you’re a new hire and have questions about your TCDRS benefit, this webinar is for you! You’ll learn how TCDRS is unique and how it helps you save for your future. You’ll also find out why it’s important to designate a beneficiary and register for your online account. Then we’ll show you all the resources TCDRS offers to help you retire with confidence. Friday, August 2nd 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. Click HERE to register. HOSTED By the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner - Understanding Credit Retirement planning is more than just understanding your TCDRS benefits. Join TCDRS as we host speakers from the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner (OCCC), the state agency that provides regulatory oversight of Texas’ financial marketplace. The OCCC educates consumers about credit, debt, their rights, responsibilities, protections and safeguards against abusive and deceptive lending practices. Wednesday, September 25th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Click HERE to register. HOSTED By theAssociation of Financial Educators - Understanding Medicare & Long-TermCare Retirement planning is more than just understanding your TCDRS benefits. Join TCDRS as we host speakers from the Association of Financial Educators to provide you with additional information related to budgeting, saving, and other financial resources to help you plan for retirement and the unexpected on your road to retirement. Thursday, September 12th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Click HERE to register.

a financially secure retirement. Market Update Workshop

Wednesday, July 31st - Join MissionSquare Retire - ment for an update on the financial markets including popular topics such as: economic overview, inflation/

raising interest rates, and much more! How to Pay Off and Prevent Debt

Wednesday, August 7th - Are you concerned about your level of debt? You’re not alone. Here we look at some guiding principles of dealing with debt, how to attack paying it off, and, perhaps more importantly, discuss the importance of preventing it from happe - ning in the first place. The Importance of Long-Term Care Planning in Retirement Wednesday, August 14th - According to the federal go - vernment, a majority of people over age 65 will need some type of long-term health care, with a significant number of people needing care in a nursing home. Learn how you can plan for this expense. How Health can Affect Your Wealth in Retirement Wednesday, August 21st - An in-depth look into the many different aspects of planning and preparing for unexpected (and expected) healthcare costs in retire

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Summer 2024


Mission Square Retirement Presentation: Investing in Volatile Markets

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024

TIME: 2:00 - 2:40 LOCATION/PLATEFORM: RECHARGE ROOM/ IN-PERSON Markets move and can experience sudden, temporary declines. To achieve your retirement goals, it's important to remain committed to your long-term investing plan amid news that can be unsettling. Put volatility in perspective.

EAGIS 2.0 Update Review

JULY 18, 2024

TIME: 10:00 - 10:30 LOCATION/PLATEFORM: VIRTUAL/ZOOM This session will provide information regarding updates to EAGIS 2.0. Staff will have an opportunity to ask gen - eral questions and learn best practices for using the system.

Click to JOIN Zoom on Day of Event ADD to your Outlook Calendar (.ics)

Open Enrollment Presentation 2024-2025 Plan Year

AUGUST 19, 2024


MissionSquare Retirement Site Visit with Roland Quintanilla

SEPTEMBER 12, 2024

This informative session is designed to guide staff through the process of re-evaluating and selecting their health benefits for the upcoming 2024-2025 plan year. This event is a valuable opportunity for employees to ensure that they make informed decisions about their health coverage. Benefit representatives will discuss available plans and answer questions relating to open enrollment.

TIME: 2:40 - 5:20 LOCATION/PLATEFORM: ARTESIAN ROOM/IN-PERSON Area representative Roland Quintanilla, who serves as the MissionSquare Retirement Plans Specialist for the MissionSquare Deferred Compensation Plan will be available for one-on-one consultations: • Provide portfolio reviews for your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan • Offer insight and review the investment options available in the MissionSquare 457 Deferred Compensation Plan • Assist with updating contribution levels, beneficiaries, and other service matters • Not Enrolled? Retirement Planning Information and 457 Enrollment assistance will be available. • Interested in a Roth IRA? MissionSquare can help you establish one. To reserve your appointment, click HERE

Click to JOIN Zoom on Day of Event ADD to your Outlook Calendar (.ics)

ACI Health & Wellness Webinar: Sugar FREEdom

AUGUST 28, 2024


Sugar cravings can be a powerful force in our dai - ly lives, and often, they signal a larger issue – an excessive consumption of sugar. In this enlight - ening seminar, we embark on a journey to under - stand the true nature of sugar, where it stealthily hides in our favorite foods, and most importantly, discover practical tips to curb those relentless sugar cravings. Click to REGISTER Registration is Required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing in - formation about joining the meeting.

Procurement, Contracting, & Contractors

SEPTEMBER 18, 2024


The EAA policy is to secure the highest quality good and services for EAA funds available. This includes award - ing contracts to those vendors that provide the most advantageous goods capable of meeting the needs of the orga - nization. This session will review the EAA Procurement Procedures, M/WBE Program, and Inclusion Initiatives. Topics include: Procurement Thresholds and Types; Procurement Methods; Contracts and Agreements; and M/ WBE Program. EA.

Click to JOIN Zoom on Day of Event ADD to your Outlook Calendar (.ics)

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Summer 2024

Records SharePoint – File Path Limits


T he file path of a file in SharePoint contains the file’s name and the name of every parent folder before it. A “parent folder” is a folder that contains the file/folder in question. An example of a file path is pictured below:

Welcome Summer Intern/Work Study Students

Program, hosted by Family ServiceAssociation of SanAn - tonio Inc., is an annual program that prepares and places young interns in professional job set -

As the sun beats down this sum - mer, we're thrilled to welcome four talented summer interns/ work study students over the next two months. Our interns,

dents and is sponsored by the City of San Antonio. The pro - gram exposes students to pro - fessional opportunities and in - novative career paths through

tings each s umme r . The pro- gram is open to youth be - tween the ages of

The file path limit in SharePoint is 400 characters and the limit for a file or folder name is 255 characters. If these limits are reached, when trying to move files or create new files and folders, you may receive an error message claiming the “file path exceeds the limit”. Tips for shortening a file path: • Try to remove or exclude spaces from file and folder names. A space in a file path will be replaced by %20 in SharePoint, which is now 3 characters instead of a single space as you see it. Instead, try using an underscore _ or dash –. • Consider using metadata columns for information like the date, county, etc, instead of placing that informa - tion in the file/folder name.

Trinity Espinoza

Maryen Chavez

Victoria Buentello

Marcus Luna

paid internships, professional development workshops, and networking opportunities. Pro - gram participants are placed with government entities, non-profit agencies, and private organizations to gain experi- ence in high-demand occupa - tions in an effort to attract San Antonio’s graduating profes - sionals to career opportunities within the local community. The Youth Summer Internship

14-17 who live within San An - tonio’s city council districts 1-8. Our IT department is currently hosting and mentoring Mar - cus Luna from Cast Tech High School. We're thrilled to have these tal - ented individuals join our team and bring their unique perspec - tives and skills to the table. Wel - come, Trinity, Maryen, Victoria and Marcus! We're excited to have you on board!

Trinity, Maryen, and Victoria, from the Ambassador Summer Internship Program come to us with a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm, and we're ex - cited to see the impact they'll make during their time with us. Trinity and Vicorita will be working with our Communica - tions department and Maryen will be working with our Aqui - fer Sustainability department. The internship program is for currently enrolled college stu -

• Avoid using redundant terms like “file”, “docu - ment”, “record”, etc, in file and folder names. • Avoid using repetitive terms in folders and file na - mes. For example, a folder called “Pictures” contains a folder within it called “2024 Pictures”. • Start with renaming a parent folder; these changes will help every folder and file below it. Next, try to shorten the file name. • Consider moving the file/folder to a higher location in the file path (folder hierarchy). For any other questions regarding SharePoint file pats and SharePoint Records, contact Sr Records Coordi- nator, Nichelle Cunningham. Source: “UCONN Knowledge Base” https:// kb.uconn.edu/space/IKB/26258049054/Share - Point+-+File+Path+Limits+Explained

We l lnes s News l e t t er

Follow this link to to view this month's news - letter including tips on managing stress, protecting your skin and eyes, and the heal - th benefits of gardening.


It is with a mix of sadness and celebration that we announce the re- tirement of Earl Parker, who will be leaving our orga- nization after an incredible 21 years of dedicated ser - vice. Earl has been an integral part of our team, making significant contributions to our growth and success! We wish Earl and his family all the best and look forward to staying in touch!

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Summer 2024

New Hires

We would like to recognize and congratulate our 3rd quarter 2024 EAA employee anniversaries. Thank you for your dedicated service and we wish you many more successful years ahead! Anniversaries

Ashley Aguilar Communications & Development Intern

Rebecca Nunu Principal Geoscientist


Date Of Hire

Recognized at Board

Years of Service

Bryan Anderson

7/15/2019 8/12/2019 8/26/2019 9/16/2019

8/13/2024 8/13/2024 9/10/2024 10/8/2024

5 Years 5 Years 5 Years 5 Years

Joel Cagle

Ashley joined the EAA on May 28th. Ashley is pursuing a PhD in Earth Science and Engineering from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) with an expected graduation date of May 2025.

Rebecca joined the Aquifer Scien - ce Research & Modeling depart - ment on May 13th. Rebecca recei - ved a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science with an emphasis in geological scien- ce from the University of Texas at

Destiny Valles

Martin Hernandez

Deadlines and Events

Austin and a Master of Science degree in Geology from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Rebecca comes to the EAA with over 8 years of experience in applied research in groundwater hydrology and geochemistry. Rebecca is responsible for developing and managing aquifer science-related research, field-based data collec - tion, and interagency coordination activities designed to carry out the mission and values of the EAA.

July 04 July 05 July 11 July 12 July 18 July 19 July 26

Fourth of July - Office Closed

Pedro Carvalho Information Technology Intern

September 27 Timesheets Due

Timesheets Due Staff Meeting

3rd Quarter Birthdays

Pedro joined the EAA on May 28th. Pedro is pursuing a Master of Science degree in Cybersecuri - ty from the University of Texas at San Antonio with an expected gra - duation date of May 2026.


EAGIS Update Review

Timesheets Due


Jewel Uzquiano Permit & Conservation Coordinator I

Micah Meyers Omar Garcia Sarah Eason Matthew Rogers Amjad Rashid Scott Storment Chris Morgan

July 14 July 14 July 17 July 19 July 31 August 7 August 13 August 15 August 16 August 17 August 18 August 22 August 26

August 02 August 09 August 15 August 16 August 19 August 23 August 27 August 28 August 30

Timesheets Due

Sarah Garcia EAHCP Administration Intern


Jewel joined the Water Resources department on April 1st. Jewel re - ceived a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography from the University of Texas at San Antonio. Jewel co - mes to the EAA with over 4 years of experience in conservation and

Team Building Timesheets Due

Sarah joined the EAAon May 29th. Sarah is pursuing a Bachelor ofArts degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) with an expected graduation date of December 2025.

Open Enrollment Session


Felix Marquez II Mariah Bonham Jose Barela Ann-Margaret Gonzalez Nichelle Cunningham Mark Hamilton Erica Cubillo Shelly Hendrix Raquel Garza Gizelle Luevano Nikki Young Natasha Ponce Marcus Gary Kristina Tolman Gera Hinojosa

LBJ State Holiday

permitting. Jewel is responsible for coordinating implementa- tion of groundwater withdrawal permit programs. Jennifer Monzon Environmental Science H.S. Intern

ACI Health & Wellness webinar

Timesheets Due September 02 Labor Day - Office Closed September 06 Payday September 12 Staff Meeting September 12 Mission Square retirement presentation September 12 Mission Square 1-1 consultations September 13 Timesheets Due September 18 Procurement webinar September 20 Payday

September 2 September 10 September 13 September 15 September 16 September 21 September 21 September 23 September 24

Jennifer joined the EAA on June 10th. Jennifer is a stu - dent at Sam Houston High School and will be a Senior in the upcoming school year.

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Summer 2024

Information Technology Exciting News: A New Website for EdwardsAquifer.org!

Cyber Security: AI and their Dangers to People caught in their grasp! What is Deepfake?

Deepfakes pose significant risks across various domains. As individ - uals and organizations, we must be vigilant and take appropriate action: Financial and Business Risks: Deepfakes can lead to financial loss - es, especially if they deceive em- ployees into making unauthorized transactions. Brands may suffer reputational damage due to fake en - dorsements or misleading content. Emotional Impact: Victims of deepfake attacks may experience emotional distress. It’s essential to approach such situations thoughtful - ly. Immediate Steps: Report deepfake threats promptly to the platforms where they appear. Request remov - al. Consider involving law enforce - ment or seeking professional assis - tance if necessary. Remember, a measured response and informed action are crucial when dealing with deepfakes.

A deepfake refers to an image or video created using artificial intel - ligence (AI). These AI-generated media manipulate faces, bodies, or voices, making people appear to do or say things they never actually did. The term “deepfake” comes from combining “deep learning” (the un - derlying technology) and “fakes.” Unlike shallowfakes, which are sim - pler manipulated images, deepfakes involve significant human input and rely on large sets of existing data to create convincing content How to detect a Deepfake? Detecting deepfakes can be chal - lenging, but there are several tech - niques you can use to spot them: 1. Visual Anomalies : • Look for inconsistencies in facial movements, unnatural expressions, or odd eye movements. Deepfakes often struggle with realistic motion. • Pay attention to lip-sync accuracy. If the audio doesn’t match the lip movements, it could be a sign of manipulation

2. Quality of Details : Check for artifacts around the face, especially near the eyes, hairline, and mouth. Poorly generated deep- fakes may have blurry edges or strange pixelation . 3. Context and Behavior : • Consider the context: Is the content plausible? Does it align with the person’s usual behavior? • Be cautious if the video or image is sensational, controversial, or too good to be true. What to do If I am targeted by a Deepfake?

If you haven’t heard, our IT team is hard at work developing a brand-new website to replace edwardsaqui - fer.org. The upcoming site will feature an innovative theme designed for easy navigation. We’re thrilled to announce that the project is on track for completion by September 30th, 2024. Stay tuned for more updates as we enhance and improve our users online experience with the Edwards Aquifer Authority! A New ‘Metter Matters’App! U p t i m e Our IT department diligently monitors system uptime us -

ServiceDesk Plus Cloud Migration Complete! O ur IT team has successfully migrated the EAAs ticketing sys - tem, ServiceDesk Plus, to the cloud. This system plays a crucial role in handling ticket submissions for IT, Records, and com - munications requests. But that’s not all—the move to the cloud brings significant advantages:

Our IT team is collaborating closely with the RegulatoryAffairs Team to create an en - hanced Metter Matters application for both iOS and Android platforms. This revamped app will elevate the user experience by en - hancing design, functionality, and features

ing robust tools. As of year-to-date, our average uptime in 2024 has con - sistently exceeded 99%. We remain committed to ensuring seamless avail - ability across all systems. Thank you for your con - tinued support and trust in our services.

• Anywhere Access: With ServiceDesk Plus now in the cloud, you can access the ticketing system from an - ywhere, even when you’re on the move. No need for a VPN—simply navigate to help.edwardsaquifer.org in any browser, log in with your email address and password, and get the assistance you need. • Software updates: The Cloud system allows our users to utilize the latest features and enhancements as soon as they are available. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance our services and streamline your experience with Ser - viceDesk Plus Cloud!

compared to the existing version. We’re thrilled to announce that the project is set to be completed by De - cember 2024.

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Summer 2024

New Multifunction Devices (MFDs) at Headquarters! O ur IT team is enhancing efficiency by adding two brand-new MFDs to head -

Savings : By using these MFDs, we’ll significantly reduce ink usage on the smaller printers and save on ink cost. Convenience : Print, scan, and copy—all in one device! Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to improve our printing capabilities!

quarters. Here are the details: LOCATION These MFDs will be strategically sta- tioned: By the stairs near the Meters Team and upstairs near Communica- tions .

BENEFITS Reduced Ink Consumption and

Conference rooms Upgrades Our IT team has been hard at work enhancing our con - ference rooms to elevate your meeting experience. The following are our latest improvements for the Cave Conference Room: Ceiling Speakers and Microphones: We’ve installed state-of-the-art ceiling speakers and microphones, en - suring crystal-clear audio for all participants. New Camera: Say hello to improved video quality! The new camera captures every detail during your meetings. Sleek Sound Bar: Enjoy enhanced sound with our sleek sound bar—perfect for presentations and video calls.

Upcoming Upgrades: Karst and Artesian Conference Rooms: IT will be up - grading these conference rooms in July. Get ready for more productive and engaging meetings in our upgrad - ed conference rooms!

P r i n t e r L o g i c M i g r a t i o n C omp l e t e !

IT is thrilled to announce that the Printer Logic Migration for our printing software is now complete! Here’s what you need to know: Seamless Printer Setup : Users can now easily add print - ers using Printer Logic’s intuitive floor maps at https://eaa. printercloud.com/. Just a few clicks, and you’re ready to print from any location. Improved User Experience : With Printer Logic, printing becomes a breeze. Say goodbye to complex setups and hello to hassle-free printing. Reduced Server Footprint: By moving to Printer Logic, we’ve significantly reduced the on-premises server foot - print at the EAA. It’s a win-win for efficiency and sustain - ability. Get ready for a smoother, more efficient printing experience with Printer Logic!

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