2024 HR Insider Winter Newsletter
Winter 2024
EAP Features Legal and Financial Services Human Resources
HRA Runoff Period & Claim Substantiation Reminder
With the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), you and your household members can access free and con- fidential services to discuss personal or work-related problems with a professional counselor. In addition, the EAP offers advice and support for: • Legal services include real estate, estate planning, will preparation, domestic, and family issues. Ser- vices include an initial assessment, and then an initial 60-minute in-office or phone consultation regarding the issue. If additional assistance is needed and the attor- ney is retained, the employee or family member will receive a 25% discount on continued services. • Financial services include credit counseling, debt management, college funding, and financial planning. Services include initial assessment and phone consul- tation regarding the issue. Employees and family mem- bers receive 30-Day Financial Coaching and a 90-Day Financial Wellness Action Plan at no cost. If additional assistance is needed, financial coaching can continue for a monthly fee. • Document preparation includes complaint letters, deeds, living trusts, personal service agreements, and leases. Services include Do it Yourself document prepa- ration through the Online Legal and Financial Resource Center, as well as Document Assis- tance services at a reduced fee.
webinars. Below are upcoming events for the first quar - ter. They are held from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. The Sandwich Generation: The Ultimate Balancing Act Wednesday, February 14th - Caring for an elder is an enormous challenge by itself; combining elder care with care of children or adolescents and attempting to balance the demands of a career can seem overwhel- ming to even the most organized individual. In this ses- sion we will focus on establishing balance, recognizing negative emotions, adhering to priorities and reducing stress. Click HERE to register for this webinar. Eating Right for Life Wednesday, March 13th - If donuts for breakfast, candy bars for lunch, and constantly making impulse decisi- ons while eating on the run sounds familiar, then this is the class for you! Participants in this seminar will learn the benefits of nutrition, including the importance of making informed food choices to develop and main- tain sound eating habits. Expect to leave this interactive session understanding what your body needs for opti- mal health and the key nutritional guidelines to follow. Click HERE to register for this webinar.
Your 2024 HRA funds became available on January 1, 2024. Your 2024 HRA amount is tied to the medical plan you selected during open enrollment or as a new hire. See table below for contribution amounts.
You can view your balance by logging in to your Proficient account at Proficient - Connect.com. If you have unused funds in your 2023 HRA accounts, your funds will roll over at the end of April to your 2024
account after the 90-day run-off period has ended. The deadline to submit reimbursement claims or substation for expenses incurred in 2023 is March 31, 2024. To submit a reimbursement during the run-off period, submit
your claim information through ProficientConnect.com or by downloading the Proficient Connect app. Claim Substantiation If you have claims that require substantiation such a receipt, invoice or EOB, please submit them as soon as possible. A delay in the upload of the sub- stantiation will cause a delay in HRA rollovers for all staff. HR will be in contact with you in March if you have claims that require substantiation. If the substantiation is not submit- ted, you will need to pay back the amount of your claims via check or money order. HDHP Plan
Request legal and financial ser - vices by calling the EAP toll-free at 855-RSL-HELP (855-775-4357), or click HERE to access the EAP Re- source Center. To create a new account to access the EAP Resource Center, visit https:// rsli.mylifeexpert.com > Sign up > enter the company code RSLI859 > enter your email address and create a password > Sign up. The resource center also features podcasts, legal forms, articles, and
If you are enrolled in the HDHP plan, up to $1500.00 of your medical 2023 HRA funds will rollover to your 2024 medical HRA. Up to $1000.00 of your 2023 dental and vision HRA funds will roll over to your 2024 dental and vision HRA. Any remaining funds will roll over into a Retirement Health Savings (RHS) account. PPO Plan If you are enrolled in the PPO plan, up to $2,500.00 of your 2023 HRA funds will roll over to your 2024 HRA funds. Retirement Health Savings Plan Overview Any funds remaining over the rollover amounts will roll over to your RHS account. The RHS is mandatory, and employees may not choose to opt out of this program. At separation from employment, employees who are en- rolled in the RHS and who meet the vesting period of five years of consecutive full-time service will be eligible to receive funds from their RHS account to pay for medical expenses. You can view your balance by logging in to your MissionSquare account and clicking on plan #801871.
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