Power Point Part 2


Dyslexia is a term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters and other symbols, but does NOT affect general intelligence

About 10-15% of the population are identified with dyslexia, equally boys and girls

Dyslexia makes it hard to read and spell but children with dyslexia often have strong listening vocabularies.

There is no evidence that people with dyslexia see letters backwards.

Children with dyslexia learn to decode unknown words rather than associating sounds and letters, and they may have trouble rhyming.

Kids with dyslexia might get frustrated and might be reluctant to read or write.

People do not outgrow dyslexia but with help they can often learn to read and write and are successful in many different careers..

Famous persons

• O rlando Bloom • Magic Johnson • Nolan R yan • Che r • Jay Leno • Whoopi Goldberg

• Tom Cruise • Walt Disney

• Albert Einstein • P ablo Picasso • John F. Kennedy • Geo r ge Washington

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