ECI Binder
5.4 Factoids (quick browse information) 5.3: Graphic quote (example below):
Water links us to our neighbor in a way more profound and complex than any other. —John Thorson
6.0 CONSERVE AND PROTECT 6.1 Stormwater Runoff
Description: Interactive media . A play piece that represents a typical pollutant (Can of motor oil; Dog; Fertilizer; Paint can; Plastic water bottle; other) is placed upon an activation circle representing water. This triggers a video that illustrates how this object enters the aquifer. Pop-ups provide information and enable visitors to take an action that benefits the aquifer. Interactive media could be via an upright touchscreen or multi-user touch-table.
EAA Note: this requires further discussion as it is impacts budget depending upon complexity. 6.2 How do you use water? Description: Question and answer unit for multiple players. Larger monitor to display for group results; 3-4 stations. This could be freestanding with two players per side and back-to-back monitors. 6.3 Restroom water conservation graphics (potential stall doors; near sinks and air blowers) Type and qty. TBD 7.0 ENDANGERED SPECIES – EXTERIOR PORCH 7.1 Endangered and Threatened Species Description: Changeable graphic panels identifying current endangered species and why they are endangered as it relates to the aquatic habitats. 7.1.1 Wall graphics on exterior walls of porch for endangered species a. Fountain Darter ( Etheostoma fonticola ) b. Texas Blind Salamander ( Typhlomolge rathbuni ) c. San Marcos Gambusia ( Gambusia georgei ) d. Texas Wild Rice ( Zizania texana )
e. Comal Springs Riffle Beetle ( Heterelmis comalensis ) f. Comal Springs Dryopid Beetle ( Stygoparnus comalensis ) g. Peck's Cave Amphipod ( Stygobromus pecki ) h. San Marcos Salamander ( Eurycea nana ) i. Overview
Note: For changeability, consider graphic rail system (top/bottom) to capture slide-in panels; Snap-frames; or Stand-off caps (stainless steel). Example pages have been provided to EAA to facilitate discussion with ECI on site.
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