Birds Recorded at the FRP A complete listing of all bird species observed at the FRP is provided below. These sightings are current as of July 2020. Species are organized alphabetically by type. For example, the Golden-Cheeked Warbler is found near the end of the list, with other warblers. Species that visit the FRP during their spring and fall migrations, as well as those observed outside their usual range, are indicated as migratory. Birds that spend all four seasons in south central Texas are indicated as resident.
Common Name
Scientific Name
Passerina cyanea
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Indigo Bunting Painted Bunting Northern Cardinal Carolina Chickadee
Passerina ciris
Cardinalis cardinalis Poecile carolinensis
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Molothrus ater
Brown-headed Cowbird Yellow-billed Cuckoo Common Ground Dove
Coccyzus americanus Columbina passerina
Columbina inca Zenaida macroura Zenaida asiatica
Inca Dove
Mourning Dove
White-winged Dove
Haemorhous mexicanus Myiarchus cinerascens
House Finch
Ash-throated Flycatcher Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
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Tyrannus forficatus Polioptila caerulea
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Spinus psaltria
Lesser Goldfinch Blue Grosbeak
Passerina caerulea
Buteo lineatus
Red-shouldered Hawk
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Buteo jamaicensis Archilochus alexandri Archilochus colubris Cyanocitta cristata Tyrannus verticalis Regulus calendula Mimus polyglottos Chordeiles acutipennis
Red-tailed Hawk
Black-chinned Hummingbird Ruby-throated Hummgbird
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Blue Jay
Western Kingbird
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Ruby-crowned Kinglet Northern Mockingbird
Lesser Nighthawk
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