HR Insider Newsletter 2020 Summer edition

Summer 2020

Recruitment Maggie Veliz continues to serve students and universi - ties while promoting the EAA as an employer of choi- CURRENT RECRUITMENT

Anniversaries We would like to recognize and congratulate this quarter’s EAA anniversaries. Thank you for your service and we wish you many more successful years ahead!

summer internships were negatively impacted by CO- VID-19, so they can continue to develop key skills and


Date Of Hire

Recognized at Board

Years of Service

ce. The pandemic has impacted college students in so many ways such as uprooting students from their dorms, being forced to finish their semester on-line and losing in - ternship opportunities. In recent weeks, Maggie has been collaborating with Trinity University on their TigerWorks program.

work experience until schools return to some normalcy. In an effort to spearhead this program, Maggie has been collabora- ting with our Threatened & Endgangered Species Division, specifically Jamie Chil - ders and Chad Furl, on ways to provide Trinity students with unpaid projects on a

James Boenig Ricardo Fonseca

06/15/2015 07/20/2015

7/14/2020 08/11/2020

5 Years 5 Years

Deadlines And Events

Trinity created this program in an effort to solicit paid/ unpaid project opportunities for their students whose

volunteer basis. We would like to give a special thanks to Jamie & Chad for their support on this program.


Supervisors if you are interested in requesting an intern for the fall semester, please complete the Request for Internship Form and submit to Maggie by Thursday, July 16, 2020. We will begin the recruiting process for filling these positions for the fall semester. We have partnered with Trinity University on a work- study program and are excited to bring this program to the EAA. Please email Maggie by Friday, July 10, 2020 if you are interested in requesting a work-study student. We will need a job description along with your request if we currently do not have one on file.

New Hires Trinity University will continue a variation of the Short-Term Project Based Program that was in place this summer. Trinity is finalizing changes to this pro - gram for the Fall and we will provide further informa- tion once we receive. If you have questions about any of these programs, please contact Maggie for further information.


Rachel Mitchell Omar Garcia Sarah Eason Charles Rogers Du’aa Sharif Scott Storment Cesar Velez Chris Morgan Felix Marquez II

July 04 July 14 July 17 July 19 July 25 August 07 August 09 August 13

July 02 July 03 July 08 July 10 July 16 July 17 July 24 July 31


Independence Day - EAA Closed

ICMA-RC Webinar

Timesheets Due

Staff Meeting via MS Teams


August 15 Mariah Bonham August 16 Jose Barela August 17 Ann M. Gonzalez August 18 Olajide Ogunmola August 19 Nichelle Cunningham August 22 Mark Hamilton August 26 Taylor Bruecher August 27 Ben Jacobson August 28 Victor Hutchison September 02 Leslie Rogers September 09 Shelly Hendrix September 10 Raquel Garza September 13 Gizelle Luevano September 15 Marcus Gary September 21 Natasha Ponce September 21 Kristina Tolman September 23 Julia Carrillo September 25

Du’aa Sharif - Intern

CURRENT VACANCIES Data Collection Supervisor

Timesheets Due

Du’aa joined our Data Management department on June 8, 2020. Du’aa is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engi- neering & Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology (MIT) with an expected gra- duation date of May 2021. Olajide joined IT department on June 15, 2020. He is currently pur - suing a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering from UTSAwith an expected graduation date of December 2020.

Payday August 07 Timesheets Due August 13 Staff Meeting via MS Teams August 17 Open Enrollment Begins August 14 Payday August 21 Timesheets Due August 27 September 07 Labor Day - EAA Closed September 10 Staff Meeting via MS Teams September 11 Payday September 18 Timesheets Due September 25 Payday August 28 Payday September 04 Timesheets Due

Leslie Rogers & Taylor Minor High School Interns

Leslie (pictured on left) and Taylor (pictured below) joi- ned the EAA on June 24, 2020. They will be working within the following divisions - Aquifer Management, Ex- ternal & Regulatory Affairs, Threate -

Lyndon B. Johnson - State Holiday

Olajide Ogunmola - Intern

ned and Endangered Species and Commu- nications & Develop- ment throughout the summer. Both are stu-

dents at Sam Houston High School and will be starting their senior year this Fall.

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