HR Insider Newsletter Fall 2021

Fall 2021

Insider Human Resources Creativity | Collaboration | Integrity | Stewardship | Professionalism | Science-Based

Fall Edition 2021


Open Enrollment Closed

Legal Shield Home Business Supplement Personal Leave Buyback Human Resources EAA Community Board


Sick Leave Retirement Savings


Online Training & Development Fourth Quarter Training Schedule


Records Painting with a Twist 6 Steps to Self-Care

How to move large size documents in Sharepoint


Virutal Career Fairs in September New Hires

Important Dates

Deadlines; Anniversaries; Birthdays and Events

Photo Credit:






Fall 2021



OPEN ENROLLMENT CLOSED Open enrollment has successfully closed and your 2021-2022 benefit elections were reflected on your October 8th paycheck. Please take this opportunity to review your benefit summary and deductions. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Hilda Cam- pos. Medical plan Your new Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) ID Cards were mailed and delivered to your home address with- in the first two weeks of October. Be sure to create your account online through Click here to view more information about our plans. BCBS will apply any deductible you have previously met under Humana to the new BCBS plan. Deduct- ibles will re-set on January 1st. Dental plan Dental benefits will be managed by GuardianLife. Routine exams and cleanings are available at no cost as the deductible does not apply for these preventative services when visiting an in-network dentist. Click here to view the plan summary. Your new GuardianLife ID Cards have already been mailed and delivered to your home address. Be sure to create your account online at

Through our plan with Legal Shield, you may now choose to enroll in a Home Business Supplement that provides affordable legal consultation specific to your home business. Highlights of services include unlim- ited number of consultations on covered business mat- ters and up to 1 hour of legal research per matter, 12 communications each year, with 1 follow-up letter per matter, 3 designated 30-minute telephone consultations per membership year for business legal matters related to Tax, Patent, Trademark, Copyright, or Antitrust, 4 document reviews per month, up to 25 pages each, and

more. You can enroll in this plan for $12.95 per month or add this to your ex- isting Legal Shield or ID Shield coverage for an additional cost.

HRA/FSA On October 1, 2021, qualified employees who elected the HDHP medical plan received $500 deposited into an employer FSA account. These funds may be used for medical/dental/vision expenses. On January 1, 2022, employees who elected the PPO Medical Plan, the EAAwill contribute $1000.00 to a Medical Health Reimbursement Account (HRA). For employees who elected the PPO HDHP Medical Plan, the EAAwill contribute $3,499 to a Health Reim- bursement Account (HRA) for medical expenses and $1000 to a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) for dental and vision expenses.

For more information, you may view this flier (SharePoint) or con- tact Hilda Campos.


Employees who are eligible may participate in the Personal Leave Buyback Program for 2021. To be eligible, an employee must have an accrued: • Personal leave balance of at least 240 hours by November 30th; • Sick leave balance of at least 160 hours by November 30th; and • Be actively employed with the EAA in December An accrued personal leave balance of 240 hours must be maintained; therefore, only the hours above the 240-hour threshold are eligible for the Personal Leave Buyback. An employee may “sell” some of their accrued personal leave in increments of 8 hours up to a maximum of 80 hours. If you meet this criteria and wish to participate in the Personal Leave Buyback, please complete and submit the Personal Leave Buyback form via NeoGov by December 4, 2021. Forms received after this deadline will not be accepted. The Personal Leave Buyback payout will be paid in the second biweekly paycheck in December.


The EAA Community Board was created in response to staff interest and provides a site to share non-EAA events, items of interest and information in an informal setting to fellow EAA staffers. If you have an item you would like to share on the Community Board, please forward your requests to Dalia Reinders via email at dre- Check out the EAA Community Board!

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Accrued sick leave hours in excess of 480 at the end of the calendar year will be converted into real dollars and transferred into a 401a plan savings account through Mission Square Retirement (formally ICMA-RC). Funds are placed into the 401(a) at each employee’s current rate of pay. If you meet this criteria and do not already have an established 401(a) plan, you will be contacted by HR to complete and submit either the 401(a) Enrollment Form or the 401(a) Enrollment Form-Managed Accounts via NeoGov. Retirement SICK LEAVE RETIREMENT SAVINGS


October 20, 2021 Harassment Awareness & Prevention Training (Mandatory for EAA Staff) Learn how to identify and prevent workplace practices and/or behaviors that could have a discriminatory ef- fect, including sexual harassment and retaliation. On October 20th, staff will receive an external email from NeoGov Learn indicating a learning assignment has been activated. Staff may click the link in this email to be directed to the NeoGov login page. Once logged in to NeoGov, navigate to the Learn Dashboard. Staff must complete this training within 30 days of enrollment. Since NeoGov maintains Certificates of Completion in the employees’ profile, staff does not need to forward these to human resources. October 28, 2021 TCDRS Retirement Webinar 10:00am -11:00am If you are thinking about retiring in the next five years, join us for a webinar about how to plan for a will succ ssful retirement. We’ll not only talk about the financial aspect of retirement, but the emotional transition as well. Plus, we’ll walk you through your payment options and the steps for submitting your retirement appli- cation. Click TCDRS Retirement Seminar to register for the event. Visit the TCDRS Appointment Scheduler for one- on-one counseling sessions. Sessions are available anytime. November 4, 2021 The Evaluation Process for Supervisory Staff 11:00am -12:00pm Margaret Ross, HR Administrator II Lead will discuss the EAA’s evaluation process for supervisory staff via Reviewsnap. Supervisory staff will review the evaluation process, and learn how to complete and send the evaluation for approval. Current deadlines for the 2021 evaluation process will be provided. This session is by invitation only. A meeting invite will be sent to designated staff by the meeting organizer. November 17, 2021 The Evaluation Process for Non-Supervisory Staff 10:00am -11:00am Margaret Ross, HR Administrator II Lead will discuss the EAA’s evaluation process for non-supervisory staff via Reviewsnap. Non-supervisory staff will review the evaluation process, learn how to submit a self-assess - ment, upload documentation, submit and acknowledge the evaluation. Current deadlines for the 2021 evalu- ation process will be provided. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 875 6851 4004 Passcode: 209385 December 15, 2021 2021 Year-End Responsibilities & 2022 Budget Review 10:00am -11:00am The Finance Department will discuss the 2021 year-end responsibilities & 2022 budget review. Learn how to review 2021 purchase orders for closing, how to submit accruals for non-received invoices, how to review the 2021 adopted budget and how/when to submit 2022 requestions. This session is by invitation only. AMS Teams meeting invite will be sent to designated staff by the meeting organizer.



We encourage all employees to sign up for webinars as they become available and continue to explore online training resources. Check out our HR Training/Events Calendar in SharePoint for upcoming virtual events de- signed for the EAA. In addition, online training is available thru Fred Pryor, NeoGov, TML, and New Horizons. Please contact Mar - garet Ross if you have any questions or have difficulty logging into these portals.

Did you know? NeoGov adds courses to their course catalog on a regular basis. Click the following link to check out the most re- cent addition to the course catalog. NeoGov Learn NEW COURSES

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & WELLNESS SURVEY The end of the year is fast approaching and planning for 2022 is underway. In order to identify your training needs, we’ve created a survey via SurveyMonkey. This survey will allow us to plan 2022 in a way that benefits your on-going professional development. Please know, your feedback is important to us and your individual re- sponses will be kept confidential. The final report will be email to staff as soon as it is available. We ask that you complete this survey by Friday, October 22nd. Here’s the link to the survey:

2022 EAA Training Catalog Stay Tuned

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Fall 2021

Wellness Treat Yourself: 6 Steps for Self Care Life is busy, challenging and leaves many feeling spread thin and spent. Before reaching burnout, try to slow down, make healthy changes and focus on self-ca- re. Start the day off right. Resist the urge to check notifications first thing in the morning and take the time to eat a healthy breakfast rather than rushing out the door. Create something.

Moving a large amount of documents into SharePoint can be a tedious task. Have you ever tried to move a do- cument within SharePoint and received the following error messages: Moving Large Sized Documents in SharePoint Records

Many people enjoy being on their phones or tablets while lying in bed, but this trains the brain to think that laying in bed means being awake. Put away electronics 30 minutes before bed to make it easier to fall asleep and get a better night’s sleep. Bring back nap time. A 15 or 20-minute nap can boost mental and physical performance, as well as mood, without interfering with sleep at night. Find gratitude.

From woodworking to coloring, scrapbooking to gardening, craf- ting and DIY projects are proven to reduce depression and stress, increase levels of dopamine, provide an outlet for creative energy and foster a sense of ac- complishment. To get started, watch this video for information on how crafts can boost brain activity. Clear out the calendar.

It can be easy to focus on the negative things in life. Counter this bad habit by taking a moment each morning and each night to think about something to be thankful for. If exhaustion, stress, and life challenges are affec - ting your life and general well-being, call or email

This occurs when the document you are trying to move exceeds 50 MB in size. To move such documents, you will have to first download them to your computer and then move them to their destination. See step-by-step instructions below:

3. Navigate to find the location on your com - puter and select Save

Right-click on the document and select

Download. 1.

A jam‐packed schedule often leads to sleep deprivation and daily exhaustion. Take a hard look at commitments and try eliminating the non‐essential activities to create

ACI Specialty Benefits, your confidential Employee Assistance Program, at (800) 932-0034 or eapinfo@ .

more time to relax. Pick up new habits.


Select Save

PAINTING WITH A TWIST Recently, the Human Resources department hosted a socially distanced team building event at the EAA office. It was a great opportunity for the team to reconnect, build memories and es- cape the solitude of remote working. Take a closer look at our artwork by visiting the HR area! Get your party started! If your team would like to host a similar team building event, please reach out to your department Director.

4. 5.

Once the document is downloaded, drag and drop it to its new destination. Delete the local copy from your computer once you’ve added it back into SharePoint.

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Fall 2021

We would like to recognize and congratulate our 4th quarter EAA employee anniversaries. Thank you for your dedicated service and we wish you many more successful years ahead! Anniversaries

Recruitment The EAA participated in two virtual career fairs in Sep- tember! UTSA’s STEMVirtual Career Fair was held via Hands- hake on Wednesday, September 15th. With over 90

follow up on all their sessions. These virtual career fairs provide students with the opportunity to learn about new companies and make face-to-face connections with EAA. The EAA also participated in St Mary’s University Vir-


Date Of Hire Recognized at Board

Years of Service

Brock Curry


10/12/2021 10/12/2021 11/09/2021 12/14/2021 1/11/2022 1/11/2022

25 Years 5 Years 10 Years 5 Years 10 Years 10 Years

organizations to choose from, students looking for careers in the STEM fields met one-on-one with Human Resources to dis- cuss available internship oppor- tunities with the EAA.

Mariah Bonham 10/10/2016

Marcus Gary

11/07/2011 11/21/2016 12/19/2011 12/27/2011

tual SET Career & Internship Fair held on September 23, 2021. The EAA had the opportunity to speak to students in one-on-one sessions through video and chat to discuss the many internship opportunities that the EAA offers.

Taylor Bruecher Tamara Pinzon Tamauj Thomas

October 01 Timesheets Due October 07 Deadlines and Events ACI Benefits Webinar October 08 Payday October 13 BCBS Wellness Webinar October 14

Through Handshake students and employers have a more curated, efficient experience as each session is scheduled in advance and coupled with video, audio, and text-based chat features. Human Resources is able to see basic interest/profiles of students who’ve sche - duled a session, as well as message the students they engage at the fair, making it easy to prepare for and

December 24 Christmas Day (Observed) December 30 Payday December 31 New Years Day (Observed)

Human Resources will continue to participate in addi- tional recruiting events throughout the next couple of months including the Fall 2021 Group Mock Interviews being held on November 15, 2021 at UTSA.


New Hires

Sandra Bustamante - Intern Communications and Development

Quinn Rusu Jennifer Adkins Brock Curry Jeffrey Robinson Olivia Ybarra Damon Childs Eduardo Flores Changbing Yang Roger Andrade Charles Crawford Brent Doty Hilda Campos Teresa Montez Jorge Paramo Branndon Trigg Marc Friberg Brenda Davis Matthew Cota Roland Ruiz Dalia Reinders Kyle Craig

October 06 October 08 October 10 October 10 October 16 October 17 October 17 October 18 October 20 October 24 October 27

EAAVirtual Staff Meeting via Zoom

October 15 Timesheets Due October 20 Mandatory Harrassment Training October 22 Payday October 28 TCDRS Retirement Webinar October 29 Timesheets Due November 04 Evaluation Process - Supervisor Staff November 05 Payday November 11 Veterans Day - Office Closed November 12 EAAVirtual Staff Meeting via Zoom November 12 Timesheets Due November 17 Evaluation Process - Non-Supervisor November 19 Payday November 24 Timesheets Due November 25 Thanksgiving Day - Office Closed November 26 Day after Thanksgiving - Office Closed December 03 Payday December 10 Timesheets Due December 17 EAAVirtual Staff Meeting via Zoom December 17 Payday December 22 Timesheets Dueeets Due December 23 Battle of Flowers (Observed)

Sandra joined the EAA on September 7, 2021. Sandra is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Public Administration degree from the University of Texas at San Antonio with an expected gradua- tion date of May 2022.

Carlos Cortes - Intern Administration & Financial Services

Carlos joined the EAA on September 7, 2021. Carlos is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance and Risk Manage- ment from St. Mary’s University and will graduate in 2024.

Roxanne Eguia - Intern Communications and Development

November 07 November 09 November 18 November 21 November 28 November 29 December 08 December 10 December 14

Roxanne joined the EAA on September 7, 2021. Roxanne is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Marketing from Texas A&M - San Antonio with an expected graduation date of June 2022 Jesus Hinojosa - Intern Data Management Jesus joined the EAA on September 13, 2021. Jesus is currently studying Compu- ter Science at the Alamo Community Co- lleges and will be transferring to UTSA next year.

Steven Melzow - Intern Aquifer Protection

Steven joined the EAA on September 27, 2021. Steven is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Envi- ronmental Science from the Universi- ty of Texas at San Antonio with an ex- pected graduation date of May 2022. Welcome!

December 15 Hakan Basagaoglu December 15 Stephanie Rosendahl December 18 Jesse Chadwick December 22 Sandra Bustamante December 29 Jim Boenig December 31

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Guadalupe State Park Photo Credit:

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