HR Insider Newsletter Spring 2021
Spring 2021
Want to earn more points for Go365? You can by ta - king a nicotine test. Members can earn 400 points by simply completing a nicotine test. You will also earn an additional 400 points if the nicotine test result is ne - gative. To earn the points, please follow these steps: 1. Member needs to call the location of choice prior to the screening to confirm availability of screening kits. 2. Member needs to complete the Nicotine Screening Form found in SharePoint or on the Go365 website and take with them to their appointment. 3. Member is required to present their Humana Mem - ber ID card along with the Nicotine Screening Form. 4. The cost for the Rapid Nicotine Test is $35. The cost for this test is not covered by the HRA/FSA. 5. Member submits completed form through the Go365 website within 90 days of getting the test. To submit your completed form, simply login to your Humana portal and click on the Go365 tab > Activities HUMANA GO 365 NICOTINE TEST See below for wellness webinars available this quarter and click on a topic to register. Be sure to register as soon as possible as space is limited! Topic: Humana Medicare 101 Curious about Medicare for you or a loved one? Get guidance on what to expect and learn about key aspects of the Medicare program. Tuesday, April 13th, 9:30 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. OR Thursday, April 15th, 1:30 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. Topic: Turn your passion into purpose You don’t have to be the top leader at your company to be a wellness champion. Humana will show you how to take it to the next level when you have a passion for wellness. Thursday, April 29th, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
> Healthy Living > Get a Nicotine Test > Submit your documentation.
The Texas Public Information Act (PIA) (Texas Government Code Chapter 552) and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) give the public the right to request access to government information. Under the Act, all government information is presumed open unless there is a specific exception to disclosure. Additionally, we as public infor - mation officers and providers cannot ask the requester why they want information. Information can exist in any format including paper, audio, microfilm, video, and emails. However, the Act does not require the EAA to create new information, do research or answer questions. The Act goes into effect when a person submits a written request (email, open records request form, etc.) to a governmental body (in this case, the EAA). Requests can be submitted via the EAA Open Records Center. Open Records Request Process An open records request will be sent to and handled by the records department. Per the Act, an agency must respond to a request promptly. If a request can’t be filled within 10 business days after the EAA received the
request, the requ - ester must be informed of the latest date and time the EAA will provide the information. A request may also be sent to any EAA em- ployee. Staff sho - uld forward the request to the re - cords department to be processed or fill the requ - est themselves. If the employee responds to the request, they are required to pro - vide a copy of
To get started, visit one of the following Any Lab Test Now locations: 5238 DeZavala, San Antonio, TX - (210) 558-3784 1369 South Main, Boerne, TX - (830) 730-7777 17700 San Pedro, San Antonio, TX - (210) 267-5501 11851 Bandera, Helotes TX - (210) 400-0230 17460 I35 North, Schertz, TX - (210) 777-2147 Topic: Maximize your earning potential with G0365 Get rewarded for daily exercise by learning all there is to know about verified workouts and how to connect compatible wearable and fitness programs. Thursday, May 27th, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Topic: Humana clinical resources to manage your health Learn about the clinical programs and services uniquely available to Humana members and the importance of where one goes to seek care and how that choice may have a significant impact on the overall experience. Thursday, June 24th, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Topic: Tips for becoming financially sound Learn about easy ways to improve your financial fitness. Thursday, June 24th, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
the original request and their response to the records department (Nichelle Cunningham). If a requester calls you for information, please have them send you their request in writing before completing the request. When records necessary to fill a request need to be retrieved from an EAA employee, the Records Coordinator will assign the employee an Activity via the Open Records Center. For step-by-step instructions on how to com - plete an Activity, click HERE.
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