HR Insider Newsletter Winter 2021

Winter 2021

Retirement 2021 CONTRIBUTION LIMITS The contribution limits for employees who partici- pate in our 457 plans have remained the same as in 2020 at $19,500.00. The catch up contribution limit for employees aged 50 or older also remains unchanged at $6,500. If you are 50 or older in 2021 you can contribute a total of $26,000 for the year. The limit on annual contributions to a traditional or Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA), will re- main the same as in 2020 at $6,000.00. If you are age 50 or older, you can contribute an additional $1,000 for a total of $7,000.00. If you are within three years of the normal retirement age, you can take advantage of the Pre-Retirement Catch-Up. This 457 deferred compensation plan allows you to contribute up to double the regular 457 deferral limit in effect for the current year. This means, for The 2021 Employee Training Course Catalog is now available in SharePoint! As you review the catalog, you will notice the events organized in two ways – Schedule at a Glance & Schedule by Category/Department. The Schedule at a Glance will allow you to view the scheduled events by each month for the current year. The Sched- ule by Category/Department will allow you to view the scheduled events by category and provides the platform where these events will take place. We hope you find this catalog helpful as you plan the year ahead. Since all events for 2021 will be conducted through vari- ous virtual platforms. Information, including appropriate links to register and/or attend the event, will be posted to the HR Calendar of Events in SharePoint as it becomes available. Information will also be sent out to staff on a regular basis, as is our custom. For events being conduct- ed via MS Teams, a meeting invite will be sent from the meeting organizer. If you have any questions regarding an event or need assistance, please contact Margaret Ross (210) 477-5110. Training

1ST QUARTER TRAININGS JANUARY 01/20/2021 Intacct Refresher: Requisitions, Pos & Reimbursements 10:00am-11:00am Deana Watson, Finance Associate and Laura Her - nandez, Finance Supervisor for Financial Services will discuss the process for requisitions, purchase orders and staff expense reimbursements through Intacct. Topics include how to submit a requisi- tions, how to upload documentation, and how to monitor your own expenses. Click to Join Zoom on the day of the event. 01/27/2021 Fleet Management (Mandatory for EAA Drivers & Supervisors) 10:00am- 11:00am Latifah Jackson, Contract & Business Develop- ment Lead will discuss the responsibilities for those who have EAA vehicles assigned to them. Topics include how to care for the vehicle, driv- er responsibilities, routine maintenance and other items of responsibilities. This event is mandato- ry for EAA Drivers and their supervisors. If you are included in this group, you will receive an MS Teams invitation from Latifah Jackson to join the discussion. FEBRUARY 02/04/2021 ACI Specialty Benefits Webinar: Exercising Away from the Office 10:00am- 11:00am Don’t let a busy schedule prevent you from mak- ing your health a priority. During this webinar, you will learn tips and tricks for finding time to exercise between work, home and life’s respon- sibilities. Click to Join Zoom on the day of the event. 02/25/2021 Contract & Procurement Proce- dures 10:00am-11:00am Latifah Jackson, Contract & Business Develop- ment Lead will discuss the EAA contract and pro - curement procedures. It is the policy of the EAA

2021, you may contribute up to a maximum of $39,000 to the Pre-Retirement Catch-Up Plan. Please login to Sharepoint HR>Employee Forms> Retirement and complete the appropriate form if you would like to enroll or make contribution changes to any of these plans. Please contact Hilda Campos at (210) 477-8508 if you need additional information or have questions regarding these plans.

to secure the highest quality goods and services for EAA funds available. This includes awarding con - tracts to those vendors that provide the most ad- vantageous goods capable of meeting the needs of the organization. This session will review the EAA Procurement Procedures, M/WBE Program and Inclusion Initiatives. Topics include procurement thresholds and types, procurement methods, con- tract and agreements, and the M/WBE. Click to Join Zoom on the day of the event. MARCH 03/16/2021 HR 101: The Hiring Process for Internship & Work-study Programs 10:00am- 11:00am Maggie Veliz, Employment Administrator will re - view the hiring process, internship and CFWS pro - gram options. Click to Join Zoom on the day of the event. 03/25/2021 ICMA-RC Seminar: Pay for Future Health Care Cost – VantageCare RHS 10:00am-11:00am Rising health care costs are a major concerns, es- pecially in retirement. Your Retirement Health Savings Plan helps you pay for future health care with tax advantages. It was created exclusively for public sector employees. This session will review how the plan works and different approaches to in - vesting in the plan. Click ICMA-RC Seminar to Register and/or Sign Up for Counseling for the event.

Employee Training Course Catalog 2021 Guide for Edwards Aquifer Authority Employees

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