
The Automated Meter Reading system is designed to remove the need for well users to report their water usage to the Edwards Aquifer Authority.

The conservation of our natural resources is more important than ever with today’s environmental challenges. The Automated Meter Reading (AMR) program is intended to help provide the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) with continuous data of how much water is being harvested by permit holders. By comparing the input of water into the Edwards Aquifer, the current water levels at various monitoring sites, and the output from wells, the EAA is more efficient at predicting future aquifer conditions and implementing conservation measures when necessary. More data makes natural resource management easier and conservation more effective. Contact Jose Barela, EAA Field Inspection Supervisor, to volunteer your well(s) for AMR. Email: Phone: 210-477-5152

Currently, our industrial and municipal permit

holders and well users are required to report their well usage once per year; or monthly when the EAA establishes that the aquifer is at a critical level. The AMR station is a standalone, noninvasive transceiver that takes the readings from the water meters and remotely transmits the well’s use via cell modem so that users no longer need to do any of the reporting themselves.

The EAA is responsible for the installation, monitoring, and

maintenance of the AMR stations, which means that an AMR station is a zero cost to our permit holders. During end of the year billing, permit holders

are sent prefilled usage reports for easier payments.

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