
EAA Field Research Park Celebrates National Public Lands Day

On September 25th the EAA’s Field Research Park (FRP) will open its gates to celebrate National Public Lands Day with a field day event held for public participation. The featured project will be planting on a berm and landscaping (planting seeds/native grasses, composting, mulching, and planting live root grasses). Registration for the event will close Friday, September 24th, so don’t miss your chance to participate in the first public event for the EAA FRP!

Register today at:

Berm and Swale System

Woody Vegetation

The FRP features sustainable land management and field research activities, designed to both improve our understanding of the Edwards Aquifer system and provide opportunity for improved sustainability for aquifer related water resources. One of the primary land management strategies at the FRP is the berm and swale system.


Cover Crop

Surface Runoff


Surface Runoff

Enhanced Infiltration

The intent of the berm and swale is to slow surface runoff, resulting in the expected outcome of improving both filtration and infiltration of that surface runoff. Therefore, improving groundwater quality and quantity. As these practices are implemented at the demonstration scale, EAA staff will be developing methodologies to assess the effectiveness of each practice over the coming years.



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