
There’s a lot of busywork to be done as we prepare for the installation of the Aquariums! Final plans for electrical panels, water pumps and floor drains need to be settled. The EOC will house not one, but four tanks that will feature some of the creatures that live in the Edwards Aquifer, including the Texas Blind Salamander, Fountain Darters and a few that are not native to Texas. Additional tanks will be dedicated to breeding the black worms, amphipods and daphnia that will provide food for the aquifer dwelling critters on site. Let there be lights! The lighting system has arrived and will be installed very soon. By the time next quarter’s issue of News Drop is available, the overhead lights will be casting their glow on the polished concrete floors giving us a small preview of what the atmosphere will be like once we’re officially open.

The dimmable track lights will provide the backdrop for the coming 3-D theatre and will light up the exhibits and photos which will adorn the walls of the EOC. With the building coming together it is time to turn our attention to the story of the Edwards Aquifer and how that is represented on the walls of the EOC. The Communications and Development team has been busy going through 25 years of photos, maps, and graphics to pull together the panels that will guide visitors through the history of the Edwards Aquifer Authority and that of the region’s unique water resource. With the addition of new staff member Eduardo Flores as Creative Manager, the EOC is sure to get a vivid and engaging retrospective while planting a seed of curiosity and wonder for future artists and scientists.

PHOTO ABOVE: Intern April Myers guides students through video about how caves are formed.

PHOTO ABOVE: Intern Roxanne Eguia shows students how to make a rain gauge.

PHOTO ABOVE: Interns create educational videos in the Karst Learning Lab.



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