2022 EAA Employee Training Development Catalog
Employee Training and Development Catalog 2022 Guide for Edwards Aquifer Authority Employees
One of the greatest benefits that the Edwards Aquifer Authority offers its employees is the opportunity for professional growth and development. This benefit is truly a generous gift as it opens up career opportunities for all staff, whatever your job or tenure. For 2022, we’ve included a few workshops that may be of interest. In February, Betsy Al - len-Manning will facilitate a special workshop designed for supervisory staff entitled, The Hybrid Leader. In March, New Horizons will facilitate a full-day virtual workshop on Mic - rosoft Excel Part II for Office 365. From April through July, See Your Possibilities will facili - tate a professional development series entitled, Leading Through Change. This series will include a Performance DNA Assessment, one-on-one counseling with the consultant, and a custom Personal Development Plan for effective application. More details on these work - shops can be found in this catalog. You can also discover a wealth of learning through our on-line platforms such as NeoGov, Texas Municipal League (TMLIRP), New Horizons, and Fred Pryor Career Track. Topics range from communication, time management, software applications, personal growth, and health/wellness. We encourage you to take ownership of your ongoing professional and personal devel - opment and use this catalog as a guide to plan, request, and schedule training in the months to come. Recent events may have changed how we work and learn, but we are determined to help you continue to grow professionally, come what may. We are very hap - py that you’re looking through our training catalog. If you have questions regarding the registration process or course offerings, please reach out to us. A Message from Human Resources
We wish you the very best in 2022!
~ Human Resources Department
Catalog Overview
This catalog provides a Schedule at a Glance and a Schedule by Category view of events for 2022. The Sched- ule at a Glance will allow you to view the events by each month. The Schedule by Category provides addi- tional information on each event such as designated time, mandatory status, availability, and designated platform. Additional information, including invite links to register and/or attend the events, will be sent to staff and posted to the HR Calendar of Events in SharePoint as it becomes available. Mandatory Training Mandatory training will be assigned by Human Resources. This training will be assigned on the calendar date specified in this catalog. If training is assigned via a third-party platform, additional instructions to complete this training will be provided to staff at the time of assignment. If training is assigned via NeoGov, you will have 60 days from the assigned date to complete the training. Since NeoGov maintains all certificates of com - pletion in your NeoGov profile, you do not need to send the certificate of completion to Human Resources. In addition to the above training, field personnel will be required to attend the Field Safety Protocols train - ing and CPR/First-Aid/AED on-site certification training. Additional instructions, including the invite link to attend the event, will be sent to designated staff as it becomes available. In the event a training is to be con - ducted via MS Teams, information, including the invite link to attend this event, will be sent to designated staff by the event organizer. Registration Registration is required for MissionSquare Retirement counseling appointments, TCDRS counseling appoint - ments, and the Professional Development Workshops. Additional instructions, including the invite link to register and/or attend the event, will be sent to staff and posted to the HR Calendar of Events in SharePoint as it becomes available. The Professional Development Workshops have limited availability. Participant reservation for these events is on a first-come-first-served basis. If you would like to attend one of the Professional Development Work - shops, please send an email directly to Margaret Ross. It is your responsibility to block/reserve the date and time on your outlook calendar. If you’re unable to attend a scheduled appointment/event, please cancel your reservation by contacting Hilda Campos or Mar - garet Ross as soon as possible. This will allow other employees on the waiting list to register and attend the event. Duration Event duration can range from one hour to six hours. On-site events lasting for four hours or more, will break for a one hour lunch period. If an event ends earlier than scheduled, you are required to return to your nor - mal work duties.
Schedule at a Glance
01/27/2022 Thursday
Intacct Refresher: Requisitions, Purchase Orders and Reimbursements
February 02/02/2022 Wednesday BCBS Wellness Benefits Webinar 02/17/2022 Thursday ACI Webinar: Stress and Heart Disease 02/23/2022 Wednesday B|A|M The Hybrid Leader
March 03/17/2022 Thursday
EAA Cyber Security & Response 03/23/2022 Wednesday New Horizons Microsoft Excel Part II for Office 365 03/30/2022 Wednesday Substance Abuse Awareness Training
April 04/15/2022 Friday 04/21/2022 Thursday 04/28/2022 Thursday May 05/03/2022 Thursday 05/13/2022 Friday
See Your Possibilities Performance DNA© Personal Profile Discussion
MissionSquare Webinar: Investing for Retirement
Contract & Procurement Procedures
Annual Cyber Security Training
See Your Possibilities Session I: Leading Through Change 05/18/2022 Wednesday TCDRS Retirement Seminar & Individual Counseling 05/26/2022 Thursday Field Safety Protocols Training June 06/10/2022 Friday
See Your Possibilities Session II: Managing Emotions Through Change ACI Webinar: Mental Health Awareness-Shedding the Stigma
06/16/2022 Thursday
06/29/2022 Wednesday EAGIS Password Management
Schedule at a Glance
07/08/2022 Friday
See Your Possibilities Session III: Communicating Through Change
07/20/2022 Wednesday Defensive Driving Online Training
08/16/2022 Tuesday 08/25/2022 Thursday
Open Enrollment Presentation 2022-2023 Plan Year
ACI Webinar: Healing Modalities
09/08/2022 Thursday 09/22/2022 Thursday
Harassment Awareness & Diversity/Inclusion Training
MissionSquare Webinar: Estate Planning
09/28/2022 Wednesday Service Desk Training
10/06/2022 Thursday 10/20/2022 Thursday
Records Refresher & SharePoint Tips ACI Webinar: Reducing the Risk of Cancer
10/26/2022 Wednesday CPR/First-Aid/AED Training
11/03/2022 Thursday 11/17/2022 Thursday
The Evaluation Process for Supervisory Staff The Evaluation Process for Non-Supervisory Staff
Schedule by Category
The Schedule by Category provides additional information on each event such as designated time, mandatory status, availability, and designated platform. For events conducted via NeoGov, Human Resources will assign the training to staff on the specified date listed. For events conducted via Zoom, WebEx, GoToWebinar, and list - ed as TBD (to be determined), additional instructions, including the invite link, will be sent to staff and posted to the HR Calendar of Events in SharePoint as it become available. For events conducted via MS Teams, a meeting invite will be sent to the appropriate staff by the event organizer. The Professional Development Workshops have limited availability. Participant reservation for these events is on a first-come-first-served basis. If you would like to attend one of the Professional Development Workshops, please send an email directly to Margaret Ross.
Human Resources
08/16/2022 9:00-10:30 Open Enrollment Presentation 11/03/2022 11:00-12:00 The Evaluation Process for Supervisory Staff 11/17/2022 11:00-12:00 The Evaluation Process for Non-Supervisory Staff
All Staff
No No
Zoom Zoom
Supervisors +
All Staff
10/06/2022 10:00-11:00 Records Refresher & SharePoint Tips
All Staff
All Staff
01/27/2022 10:00-11:00 Intacct Refresher: Requisitions Pur - chase Orders & Reimbursements 4/28/2022 10:00-11:00 Contract & Procurement Procedures
All Staff
Information Technology
03/17/2022 10:00-11:00 EAA Cyber Security & Response All Staff
No Yes No No
05/03/2022 N/A
Annual Cyber Security Training
All Staff All Staff All Staff
06/29/2022 11:30-12:30 EAGIS Password Management 09/28/2022 11:30-12:30 Service Desk Training
Zoom Zoom
03/30/2022 N/A
Substance Abuse Awareness
All Staff
05/26/2022 10:00-11:00 Field Safety Protocols Training
All Staff Yes (Field Staff)
07/20/2022 N/A 09/08/2022 N/A 10/26/2022 TBD
Defensive Driving Online Training Harassment Awareness & D/I
All Staff All Staff All Staff
Yes Yes Yes
CPR/First-Aid/AED Training
02/02/2022 10:00-11:00 BCBS Wellness Benefits 02/17/2022 10:00-11:00 Stress and Heart Disease 06/16/2022 10:00-11:00 Mental Health Awareness: Shed - ding the Stigma
All Staff All Staff All Staff
No No No
Zoom Zoom Zoom
08/25/2022 10:00-11:00 Healing Modalities
All Staff All Staff
No No
Zoom Zoom
10/20/2022 10:00-11:00 Reducing the Risk for Cancer
All Staff
04/21/2022 10:00-11:00 MissionSquare Webinar: Invest - ing for Retirement 05/18/2022 10:00-11:00 TCDRS Retirement Seminar & Individual Counseling 09/22/2022 10:00-11:00 MissionSquare Webinar: Estate Planning
All Staff
All Staff
Professional Development
Betsy Allen-Manning
02/23/2022 9:00-12:00 The Hybrid Leader
Supervisors +
With teams working remotely, and employees requesting a hybrid workplace moving forward, managers will be required to master crucial skills and best practices for leading remote teams. This workshop provides insights and strategies for leading an innovative, engaged, & collaborative virtual team to ensure future success.
Actionable Takeaways: • How to run effective virtual meetings and prevent virtual burnout. • How to coach employee’s on their performance. • Track productivity & raise levels of self-accountability. • Generate a culture of innovation, engagement & collaboration. • Mentor future leaders.
New Horizons
03/23/2022 TBD
Microsoft Excel-Part II for Office 365
Advanced Excel Users
This full-day course builds upon the foundational knowledge presented in the Microsoft® Excel® for Office 365™ (Desktop or Online): Part 1 course and will help start you down the road to creating advanced workbooks and worksheets that can help deepen your understanding of organizational intelligence. The ability to analyze mas - sive amounts of data, extract actionable information from it, and present that information to decision makers is at the foundation of a successful organization that is able to compete at a high level. This course covers Micro - soft Office Specialist Program exam objectives to help you prepare for the Excel Associate (Office 365 and Office 2019): Exam MO-200 and Excel Expert (Office 365 and Office 2019): Exam MO-201 certifications.
Labs: Working with Functions, Working with Lists, Analyzing Data, Visualizing Data with Charts, Using Pivot Ta - bles and Pivot Charts.
See Your Possibilities
Kelley Moore
04/15/2022 9:00-10:30 Performance DNA© Personal Profile Discussion 05/13/2022 9:00-12:00 Session I: Leading Through Change 06/10/2022 9:00-12:00 Session II: Managing Emotions Through Change 07/08/2022 9:00-12:00 Session III: Communicating Through Change
All Staff
All Staff All Staff
No No
Zoom Zoom
All Staff
The Performance DNA© Personal Profile Assessment will be administered in advance to registered partic - ipants. The assessment is designed to increase the understanding of an individual’s talents and will pro - vide insight to three distinct areas: behaviors, driving forces and competencies. Understanding strengths and weaknesses in each of the three areas will lead to personal and professional development and a higher level of satisfaction. Once this assessment has been completed, the participant is encouraged to attend the April discussion in which the Performance DNA© Personal Profile is expanded and the following information is incorporated:
• Personal effectiveness and self-awareness
• Do’s and Don’ts of communication
• Understanding other styles • Appreciating other styles • Value to the organization
• Perceptions
• Strengths, weaknesses, energizers, & stressors
• Super-powers and secret weapons
After the discussion, the consultant will schedule a one-on-one meeting with each participant to create a Personal Development Plan. The participant is encouraged to attend Sessions I-III for further development.
Session I: Leading Through Change Change is constant — that is a given. How to be an effective manager or supervisor in the midst of change is not. However, it’s important to learn how to manage through it because change is frightening to many people. They might see it as a threat, and living under a threat — real or imagined — is devastating to morale and motivation. This session will show you what steps to take when change occurs and how to lead your team. Session II: Managing Emotions Through Change People don’t turn off their emotions when they enter the workplace. If they’re angry or upset at home, those feelings are likely to carry over to their jobs. Handling strong emotion is an important managerial and super - visory skill. It can mean the difference between high and low productivity, keeping and losing good employees and maintaining or destroying the overall effectiveness. In this session, you’ll learn how to manage emotions . Session III: Communicating Through Change The ability to provide feedback and/or discipline employees without breaking their spirit is among the most important skills a manager or supervisor must develop. This kind of situation demands diplomacy and tact, along with careful consideration of where, when and how the communication happens. In this session, you’ll learn how to communicate clearly so your message gets through, what should happen if the problem doesn’t go away after it’s pointed out, and how you can turn a negative situation into a positive experience.
Online Training Resources
The following online training resources are available and may be taken, during normal working hours, at the approval of your immediate supervisor. With the exception of NeoGov, certificates of completion may be forwarded to Human Resources for placement in your personnel file. If you have questions or experience any issues with these training resources, please contact Margaret Ross.
The NeoGov Learn module has over 1025 pre-built courses and new courses are added on a quarterly basis. Course topics include Microsoft Teams, excel, access, business skills, cyber security, health, leadership and time management.
How To Access The Training Login to NeoGov and navigate to your Dashboard. Under Training, select the EAA Course Catalog tab. You will have the option to search for a course or type in the course topic in the search field.
Did You Know... As a supervisor, you have the ability to assign training to your staff via NeoGov!
Here’s how: 1. As a manager/supervisor, navigate to your Dashboard 2. Click People to view your Team/locate your employee.
3. Click the drop down arrow in the Actions box and select Enroll in a Course. 4. Select Online or Classroom. (Online courses are all pre-built courses in NeoGov) 5. Using the Search field, Search for the course to be assigned to your employee. 6. Select the box to the left of the course title. 7. Click Enroll at the top right of the screen. The training has successfully been assigned.
The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool provides the EAA with qual - ity loss prevention training opportunities. Courses have been created with adult learning styles in mind, and each course module is timed for one short session, usu - ally 25-35 minutes in length. Course topics include risk management, human resourc - es, safety and law enforcement (many are TCOLE approved).
How To Access The Training To start taking courses, login to TMLIRP’s Online Learning Center and navigate to the Course Catalog. You will have the option to search for a course or type the course topic in the search field.
The EAA has partnered with New Horizons for 2022! This partnership includes “live” virtual training on Microsoft Office Applications, Adobe and workplace fundamentals.
Course offerings can be viewed on the New Horizons Website. Keep in mind, our corporate membership only covers a selected group of courses. Therefore, you must first verify the course is part of this program prior to enrolling in the course. Course verification is communicated, via email, through our New Horizons representative, Kristie Navarette. New Horizons Enrollment Instructions 1. To verify the course is included in our corporate membership program, send an email request to kristie.nava - rette@newhorizons.com. In your email subject line, indicate EAA Corporate Membership Course Verification Request. In the body of your email, include the course name, description, date, and time. 2. Once confirmation is received, you will need to submit a Request to Attend a Conference Form via NeoGov. At - tach your email correspondence regarding the course to the request. In the Additional Notes field, indicate the course is covered by the EAA Corporate Membership Program. Once the Request to Attend a Conference Form is approved, you may enroll in the course. 3. To enroll in the course, send an email request to kristie.navarette@newhorizons.com. In your subject line, in - dicate EAA Corporate Membership Enrollment Request. In the body of your email, include the course name, description, date, time, and that you’ve received internal authorization for the course and would like to officially enroll. Our representative will confirm enrollment, manually enroll you in the course, and provide you with an access code/login instructions. On the date of the course, you will log in to the “live” instructor led training in which you can “see” the instructor and interact with them through a microphone headset or via the text chat feature. Since all sessions are recorded, you will have the ability to go back through the session, including labs, for up to six months “post class” - ensuring a thorough understanding of the material.
For groups of 10 or more, join Fred Pryor+ for just $199 per person and receive access to more than 12,000 off-site seminars, over 5,000 on-line courses, and over 3,500 micro-learning courses. Course topics range from accounting, communication, compliance and workplace safety, customer service, IT, leadership, project and time management. Available courses are posted on the Fred Pryor+ Website. In addition, a majority of these courses offer continuing education credits for CEU, CPE, HRCI, PDC and PDU. If your team is interested in joining the Pryor+ program please reach out to Margaret Ross. If you would like to attend a Fred Pryor+ off-site/on-line seminar as an individual, you will be required to submit a Request to Attend a Conference Form via NeoGov.
Edwards Aquifer Authority | Human Resources Department hr@edwardsaquifer.org Catalog Release Date: 01/07/2022
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