2022 EAA Employee Training Development Catalog

Catalog Overview

This catalog provides a Schedule at a Glance and a Schedule by Category view of events for 2022. The Sched- ule at a Glance will allow you to view the events by each month. The Schedule by Category provides addi- tional information on each event such as designated time, mandatory status, availability, and designated platform. Additional information, including invite links to register and/or attend the events, will be sent to staff and posted to the HR Calendar of Events in SharePoint as it becomes available. Mandatory Training Mandatory training will be assigned by Human Resources. This training will be assigned on the calendar date specified in this catalog. If training is assigned via a third-party platform, additional instructions to complete this training will be provided to staff at the time of assignment. If training is assigned via NeoGov, you will have 60 days from the assigned date to complete the training. Since NeoGov maintains all certificates of com - pletion in your NeoGov profile, you do not need to send the certificate of completion to Human Resources. In addition to the above training, field personnel will be required to attend the Field Safety Protocols train - ing and CPR/First-Aid/AED on-site certification training. Additional instructions, including the invite link to attend the event, will be sent to designated staff as it becomes available. In the event a training is to be con - ducted via MS Teams, information, including the invite link to attend this event, will be sent to designated staff by the event organizer. Registration Registration is required for MissionSquare Retirement counseling appointments, TCDRS counseling appoint - ments, and the Professional Development Workshops. Additional instructions, including the invite link to register and/or attend the event, will be sent to staff and posted to the HR Calendar of Events in SharePoint as it becomes available. The Professional Development Workshops have limited availability. Participant reservation for these events is on a first-come-first-served basis. If you would like to attend one of the Professional Development Work - shops, please send an email directly to Margaret Ross. It is your responsibility to block/reserve the date and time on your outlook calendar. If you’re unable to attend a scheduled appointment/event, please cancel your reservation by contacting Hilda Campos or Mar - garet Ross as soon as possible. This will allow other employees on the waiting list to register and attend the event. Duration Event duration can range from one hour to six hours. On-site events lasting for four hours or more, will break for a one hour lunch period. If an event ends earlier than scheduled, you are required to return to your nor - mal work duties.

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