2022 Spring HR Insider Newsletter
Spring 2022
Mission Square Retirement Webinar: Investing for Retirement Thursday, April 21st, 10:00am -11:00am Whether you’re just staring out or need a refresher, this session will discuss basic investing concepts, including risk, asset allocation, diversification, rebalancing, mar - ket timing, and dollar-cost averaging. Click HERE to join Zoom meeting Meeting ID: 980 7256 1691 Passcode: 098377 It is the policy of the EAA to secure the highest quality goods and services for EAA funds available. This in- cludes awarding contracts to those vendors that provide the most advantageous goods capable of meeting the needs of the organization. This session will review the EAA Procurement Proce- dures, M/WBE Program & Inclusion Initiatives. Topics include: • Procurement thresholds and types • Procurement Methods • Contracts and Agreements • M/WBE Program and Goals Join Zoom Meeting HERE Meeting ID: 841 1849 9163 Passcode: 200904 See Your Possibilities: Session I – Leading Through Change Thursday, May 13th, 9:00am -12:00pm Change is constant — that is a given. How to be an effective manager or supervisor in the midst of change is not. However, it’s important to learn how to man - age and lead through change because it is frightening to many people. They might even see it as a threat to their environment and living under a threat — real or imagined — is devastating to morale and motivation. This session will show what steps to take when change occurs and how to lead your team effectively. Click Contract & Procurement Procedures Thursday, April 28th, 10:00am -11:00am
schedule an appointment prior to or after the webinar. Click HERE to register for counseling. See Your Possibilities: Session II – Managing Emo- tions Through Change Friday, June 10th, 9:00am -10:00am People don’t turn off their emotions when they enter the workplace. If they’re angry or upset at home, those feelings are likely to carry over to their jobs. Handling strong emotion is an important managerial and supervi- sory skill. It can mean the difference between high and low productivity, keeping and losing good employees, and maintaining or destroying the overall effectiveness. In this session, you’ll learn how to manage emotions. Click HERE to join Zoom meeting Meeting ID: 827 3464 4080 Passcode: 192955 EAGIS Password Management Wednesday, June 29th, 11:30am -12:30pm Learn how to update your password for EAGIS Online Reporting portal and best practices for using the sys - tem. Click HERE to join Zoom meeting. Local government entity employees who have access to a local government computer system or database and elected officials must take a DIR-certified cybersecurity course as required by Texas Government Code Section 2054.5191. On May 3rd, staff will receive an email from Human Resources with additional instructions regarding this training. This training must be completed by May 14, 2022. EAA Field Safety Training (Mandatory for Field Personnel) Thursday, May 16th, 10:00am - 11:00am This training will discuss the importance of safety awareness and hazard prevention. Topics include situa- tion awareness, slips/falls, lift/ladder safety, equipment, vehicle inspection, driver safety, and personal protec- tive equipment (PPE) and basic COVID19 protocols while working in the field. This session will be recorded and made available in SharePoint for those who are unable to attend this event. Click HERE to join Zoom meeting. Meeting ID: 853 5756 6430 Passcode: 455559 M A N D AT O R Y T R A I N I N G Cyber Security Awareness Training (Mandatory for EAA Staff) Tuesday, May 3rd
Last month TCDRS kicked off a new monthly Facebook Live series “Lunch Bites.” On the second Friday of every month from 12:00 p.m. - 12:20 p.m. TCDRS repre - sentatives will discuss & answer your questions live on a specific topic. To view past events, click HERE or tune in live HERE. Texas County District Retirement System (TCDRS)
Wednesday, April 13th: Savings and Investment Basics Wednesday, April 20th: Preparing for your Retirement Wednesday, April 27th: 457(b) Plans & IRAs TCDRS Pre-Retirement Webinar: Planning for a Successful Retirement Retirement is not just about the money. If you are thin - king about retiring in the next five years, join TCDRS for a webinar about how to plan for a successful reti- rement. They will not only talk about the financial as - pect of retirement, but the emotional transition as well. Plus, they will walk you through the steps for proces- sing your TCDRS retirement. Click HERE to register for this event held on Tuesday, May 10th @12:00 p.m.
TCDRS Hosted By: Mid-Career Topics Retirement planning is more than just understanding your TCDRS benefits. Join TCDRS as they host spea - kers from the Association of Financial Educators to provide you with additional information related to bu- dgeting, saving, and other financial resources to help you plan for retirement and the unexpected on your road to retirement. Click HERE to register for one or more events of the following webinars. Online Training and Development Training
We encourage all employees to sign up for webinars as they become available and continue to explore online tra- ining resources. Check out our HR Training/Events Calendar in SharePoint for upcoming virtual events designed for the EAA. In addition, online training is available thru Fred Pryor, NeoGov, TML, and New Horizons. Please contact Margaret Ross if you have any questions or have difficulty logging into these portals.
2nd Spring Quarter Virtual Events
HERE to join Zoom meeting Meeting ID: 861 8452 9584 Passcode: 653828 TCDRS Retirement Seminar Wednesday, May 25th, 10:00am -11:00am
See Your Possibilities: Performance DNA Perso- nal Profile Discussion Friday, April 15th, 9:00am -10:30am This session will discuss the Performance DNA© Personal Profile assessment. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses in behavior, driving forces, and competencies will lead to personal and profes- sional development and a higher level. Topics Include: Personal effectiveness and self-awa - reness, Do’s and Dont’s of communication, Unders- tanding and appreciating other styles, Perceptions, Strengths, Weaknesses, Energizers, & Stressors,
Value to the organization, Super-powers and secret weapons After the discussion, the consultant will schedule a one-on-one meeting with each participant to create a personal development plan. Registration is required. Space is limited to 15 par - ticipants. To register, email your request to Margaret Ross by Wednesday, April 13, 2022. Once registered, additional details regarding the Performance DNA© Personal Profile assessment and link to attend will be provided.
This seminar will be an overview of retirement benefits through TCDRS. Learn how the TCDRS plan works, beneficiary details, survivor benefits, vesting and re - tirement eligibility requirements, retirement payment options. Click HERE to register for the seminar The TCDRS Online Personal Benefit Counseling web - site is available any time whether you would like to
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