2022 Spring HR Insider Newsletter
Spring 2022
4. Capitalization usually doesn’t matter in search – except for Boolean operators. Searching for Dogs is the same as searching for dogs. But searching for Dogs OR Cats is not the same as searching for Dogs or Cats. In the first case, you will find items referring either Dogs or Cats. In the second, you will most likely find content with both Dogs AND Cats in the content becau- se “or” will be ignored and the default operator is AND. 5. Use property searches if you know for sure that a particular word is in the title or name of a docu- ment. You can use filename:value to search for words in the file name or Title:value to search for a term in the Title. Note: if Title is blank, the Title:value syntax will also look for the value of the file name. If Title is not blank, this query will only look at content in the Title. This syntax is helpful to know because sometimes, you know for sure that a word is in the name of a document, but you can’t remember the entire document name. 6. Use a wildcard if you want to be sure to get va- riations of the term you are looking for or if you are not sure about spelling. The asterisk (*) is used as a wildcard and will widen search results. When used fo- llowing a set of characters (i.e., edu*), the results will include everything beginning with “edu” such as: edu - cate, educational, education, etc. The wildcard can not be used preceding a set of characters, such as *ion.
sults you are looking for in search is that you are not giving the search engine enough of a clue to find what you want. It’s a good idea to use more than one word to search. If you don’t get the results you want, try adding more terms to your search. To be certain that the search engine knows how you want to connect the terms, you must separate the words with an operator. For more re- sults, the operator is probably “OR” – and you need to make sure that you capitalize OR. 2. Use AND to narrow your search results. Most search engines, including SharePoint, assume that two words together with no operator separating them im- plies AND as the operator. In other words, a search for apples pears is the same as apples AND pears. Get in the habit of including the operator – in capital letters or it will be ignored. 3. Use double quotes to find exact phrases. If you want to learn about “social media” and don’t want a bunch of results that include documents that include the word social and media – but are not about “social media,” put the term in double quotes – “social media.” This tells the search engine to find the exact phrase in - side the quotes. Recruitment On Wednesday, March 23rd, the EAA staff hosted 9 stu - dents from St. Mary’s University Career Treks program at the Field Research Park (FRP). This is a new program initiated by St. Mary’s University to further enhance the students’ experience with future careers and paths of study. Thomas Marsalia, EAAAquifer Sustainability Manager, took students on a walking tour of the FRP and its research programs. Earlier in the month, Mr. Marsa- lia was also a guest lecturer at a St. Mary’s University Environmental Science class where he expounded on the EAA’s mission and its varied programs in support of that mission. St. Mary’s Career Trek
ACI Webinar: Mental Health Awareness: Shedding the Stigma Thursday, June 16th, 10:00am - 11:00am
Mental health issues can affect anyo - ne regardless of age, gender, geo- graphy, income, social status, race/ ethnicity, religion/spirituality, sexual orientation, background or other as- pect of cultural identity. This session will outline the differences between mental health well-being and men- tal health issues. It explains on how to nurture mental health wellness and indicators when support may be needed. Click HERE to register
Tips for Better Search Results in SharePoint Tips for Content Authors and Site Owners:
2. Use meaningful file names and titles. File names and titles are very important metadata attributes. By de- fault, SharePoint search results prominently feature the Title of a document. If Title is blank, results feature the file name. Tips for Searchers 1. Use OR to expand your search to include more terms. One of the reasons that you may not get the re -
1. Use metadata in document/record libraries. Search engines use algorithms to know whether the terms you are searching for match the items to be sear- ched. If your term matches the terms in the File Name, Title, or other metadata, the item will usually be wei- ghted higher than if the term is in the document text. For assistance with adding metadata to your records or active working SharePoint sites, contact Nichelle Cun- ningham, Sr Records Coordinator.
Stay up to date with the latest job vacancies and scheduled career fairs by visiting the CURRENT VACANCIES
Calendar of Events directly on the EAA Careers page. Once you’ve subscribed, you will receive updates to vacancies as they become available.
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