2023 HR Insider Newsletter Spring edition
Spring 2023
Insider Human Resources Creativity | Collaboration | Integrity | Stewardship | Professionalism | Science-Based
Spring 2023
Spring Edition 2023
HRA Rollovers BCBS Maternity Program
Retirement TCDRS Annual Statements Mission Square Upcoming Webinars
Wellness Vision Discount Program Reliance Standard EAP
Training 2023 Employee Training & Development Catalog Second Quarter Training Schedule
Records SharePoint vs OneDrive
Lists vs Libraries in Sharepoint Online 3 Ways of sharing Word documents
Recruitment Spring Virtual Career Fair Current Vacancies
New Hires Retirement
Important Dates Deadlines; Anniversaries; Birthdays and Events
Spring 2023
Retirement TCDRS Annual Statements
HRA Rollovers
One of the steps you can take on your journey to retirement is reviewing your annual statement. Statements are available once you sign into your account at www.tcdrs.org. If you haven’t registered for online account access, you will need your account number. You can get your account number by calling Member Services at 800-823-7782, M - F 7:30 a.m.
The 90-day run-off period for the Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) which gives you an opportunity to submit claims for reimbursements for the previous year, ended on March 31, 2023. Up to $2,500 of your remain- ing funds will rollover to the 2022 HRA plan and any remaining funds will rollover to your Retirement Health Savings (RHS) account. You may expect to see your rollover funds in your Proficient account by mid- April. The $2,500 of 2022 HRA funds will rollover as follows:
- 6:00 p.m. Once you sign into your online account, you can access your statement by going to the Documents section on your dashboard. From your online account, you can also update your contact information and benefi - ciaries, and run additional retirement estimates.
HDHP Plan - Up to $1,500 of your medical HRA will be combined with your 2023 medical HRA. Up to $1000 of your dental/vision HRA will be combined with your 2023 dental/vision HRA. PPO Plan -
Mission Square Retirement Upcoming Education Webinars Maximizing your retirement through Tax Planning Wednesday, April 12th - Taxes may be the hidden ex- pense in your retirement plan. Take a closer look at un- derstanding how taxes work, and how to prepare for
are steps you can take to maximize the possibility of a financially secure retirement. 10 Questions for a Successful Retirement: A Guide for the Retiree Wednesday, May 17th - Transitioning into and throu- gh retirement can be rewarding and challenging. So having a plan is important. We’ll focus on 10 key qu- estions you should ask, from saving, to Social Secu- rity and Medicare, and managing your investments, withdrawals, and taxes. An Introduction to Annuities Wednesday, May 24th - Baby Boomers are facing a re- tirement that may last 30 years or more. But many re- tirees will need to supplement their retirement income as fewer have access to traditional pension plans they can depend on. See if and how an annuity plays a role in your future. Making the Most of Social Security - Retirement in- come enhancing strategies Wednesday, May 31st - Understand the basic elements of the Social Security program and focus on strategies that can help make the most of the benefits you receive. College Funding: Investing in your child’s future Wednesday, June 14th - Understand the basic elements of the Social Security program and focus on strategies that can help make the most of the benefits you receive. Register HERE for all webinars. All webinars are held from 12:00 - 1:00 CST.
Up to $2500 will rollover to your 2023 HRA which can be used for medical, dental, and vision expenses. Employees identified as having funds rolling over to an RHS account for the first time will be contacted by Hilda Campos for completion of the appropriate documents to setup an RHS account.
and manage your tax liabilities in retirement. Taking your estate planning to the Next Level Wednesday, April 19th - Gain a better understanding of the Estate Tax system and if it affects you. Learn ways to consider minimizing estate taxes. Estate Planning: It’s not just for the wealthy. Quarterly Economic Overview Wednesday, April 26th - Join MissionSquare Retire- ment for an update on the financial markets for the most recent quarter. Roth IRA: A flexible & tax-efficient way to save for Retirement Wednesday, May 3rd - Roth IRAs have become popular retirement savings vehicles because if certain conditi- ons are satisfied, distributions are free from federal in - come taxes. Is a Roth IRA right for you? The answer is complicated and depends on your situation, including whether you believe you’ll be in a higher tax bracket in the future. Retirement Income Planning: Tips to help make your money last Wednesday, May 10th - Understanding how much in- come you’ll need to support the retirement you want, and positioning your assets to provide that income, is important. While there’s no one-size-fits-all plan, there
BCBS Special Beginnings Maternity Program The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) Special Begin - ning maternity program is designed to help BCBSTX members and their babies get off to a healthy start by providing education materials and support, pregnancy risk factor identification, ongoing communica - tion/monitoring and access to an online resource center. Members are supported from early pregnancy through six weeks after delivery. Once a member enrolls in the program and completes a confidential questionnaire, they will receive a comprehensive educational book covering a multitude of pregnancy and infant care related topics. What It Provides • Follow up calls will be scheduled with the enrollee before and after delivery to: • Identify any risk factors that might adversely affect the pregnancy • Determine progress in self-management techniques • Provide education on prenatal, postpartum and newborn care • Reinforce the physician’s treatment plan • Help manage high-risk conditions such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia • Access to an online resource with maternity tools, articles and infor- mation To get started call 1-800-462-3275, Monday – Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm.
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Spring 2023
Wellness Vision Discount Program
2nd Quarter Training/Events Training PROCUREMENT, CONTRACTING & CONTRACTORS
The EAA offers a vision discount program through Guardian. The Guardian Davis Vision Access plan gives you discounts on vision care services or supplies from your vision provider, if they are under contract with the Davis Vision network. If you are a qualified member, you must pay the entire discounted fee directly to the Davis Vision network provider. Discounts are only available from providers who are members of the Davis Vision network.
April 19, 2023
The EAA policy is to secure the highest quality goods and services for EAA funds available. This includes awar- ding contracts to those vendors that provide the most advantageous goods capable of meeting the needs of the or- ganization. This session will review the EAA Procurement Procedures, M/WBE Program & Inclusion Initiatives. Topics include: Procurement thresholds and types; Procurement Methods; Contracts and Agreements; M/WBE Click to JOIN ZOOM on the day of the event.
To find a Davis network doctor, visit: www. guardianlife.com or call 1-800-999-5431 In addition to the Guardian Davis Vision Ac - cess plan, BCBS also offers a vision discount program through EyeMed Vision Care. The EyeMed Vision Discount through Blue365 offers savings on eyeglasses, contact lens - es, eye exams, accessories and laser vision correction. The EyeMed network consists of
15% off usual charge Frames, Standard Lenses and Lens Options 20% - 80% off usual charge Contact Lens 10% - 20% off usual charge Contact Lens Professional Services 15% - 25% off usual charge Laster Surgery Up to 25% off usual charge
NEOGOV eForms: request to Attend a Conference, Training, Symposium
April 25, 2023
This training will review the process for submitting a Request to Attend a Conference, Training Symposium onli- ne via Neogov. Topics include: How to complete a conference request, how to upload supporint documentation and how to navigate NEOGOV to ensure approval has been received. Click to JOIN ZOOM on the day of the event.
major national and regional retail locations, such as Lenscrafters, Pearl Vision, Target Optical, and JCPenney Op - tical, as well as independent ophthalmologists and optometrists. Visit eyemedexchange.com/blue365, click Find a Provider and begin your search. Be sure the Advantage network is selected. Please note: discounts cannot be combined. Reliance Standard Employee Assistance Program As a reminder, the Employee Assistance Program through ACI Specialty Benefits offers information, advice, and support on a wide range of everyday issues, including stress, anxiety, parenting, grief, anger management, al-
May 18, 2023
Local government entity employees who have access to a local government computer system or database and elected officials must take a DIR-certified cybersecurity course as required by Texas Government Code Section 2054.5191. On May 18th, staff will receive an external email from Neogov Learn indicating a learning assignment indicating a learning assignment has been activated. Staff may click the link in this email to be directed to the NeoGov log - in page. Once logged in to Neogov, navigate to your Dashboard > Training Tasks. Training must be completed within 14 days of enrollment. Since Neogov maintains Certificates of Completion in the the employee profile, staff does not need to forward these to HR.
cohol or drug problems, legal concerns, financial assistance and more. To contact the EAP, call 1-855-775-4357. ACI also offers a free Mem - ber Portal & App account. To create your new account, visit http://myassistanceprogram. com/rsl/ and use company code RSLI859 to create your new account. The Member Portal offers a variety of services such as wellness articles, credit card payoff calculator, legal form templates such as wills, and videos.
ACI Webinar: Balancing Work and Family Thursday, June 21st, 10:00 - 11:00 Location/Plateform: Virtual/Zoom Many people worry that their family life is suffering at the expense of their job. Employees often feel
May 24, 2023
This seminar will be an overview of retirement benefits through TCDRS. Learn how the TCDRS plan works, beneficiary details, survivor benefits, vesting and retirement eligibility requirements. Stay tuned for more details including the link to register for the session and one-on-one counseling.
overwhelmed and report lacking personal and family quality time. This seminar teaches practical solu- tions for saying “no” to unnecessary commitments, determining SMART goals, and effectively managing time. Discover techniques for fin - ding a balance between personal and professional goals and responsibili- ties. Register in advance for this meeting.
June 1, 2023
This training will discuss common EAAworking environments and safety protocols for those who perform duties out in the field. Topics include situational awareness, slips/falls prevention, lift/ladder safety, proper use of field equipment, vehicle inspection, driver safety, and personal protective equipment (PPE). While this training is open to all staff, it is mandatory for field personnel. Field personnel who are unable to attend this session, should reach out to Human resources as soon as possible for alternative training arrangements. Click to JOIN ZOOM on the day of the event.
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Spring 2023
Recruitment Spring Virtual Career Fair
Records SharePoint vs OneDrive - which one to use
On Wednesday, February 22nd, Human Re- sources participated in the third annual His- panic Serving Institution Virtual Career Expo. The Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) Career Collaborative is a partnership between 14 of the leading HSIs in the country with at least 51% Hispanic student populations. This event
By Greg Zelfond, SharePoint Maven
Though I originally published the article comparing SharePoint and One- Drive back in 2015, I still get a lot of inquiries from my loyal followers and confusion about the difference between SharePoint and OneDrive. Although they happen to be capable of doing similar things when it comes to document management, the two are fundamentally different and exist for different rea - sons within…keep reading
provided a virtual platform to engage with Latinx students and alumni from all HSI Career Collaborative Partner institutions such as the University of the Incarnate Word, Texas A&M University- San Antonio, The University of Texas at San Antonio, etc. Human Resources will continue to participate in additional recruiting events throughout the next couple of months as they become available. CURRENT VACANCIES
Lists vs Libraries in SharePoint Online
By Greg Zelfond, SharePoint Maven
One of the annoying things about SharePoint andMicrosoft 365 applications is that there are so many different terms and terminology you need to understand andcomprehend toensure that that youuse the right tools foryour specificneeds and requirements. One such scenario is the common misconception about the differences between lists and libraries and when you should use one or anoth - er. So in this article, I will demystify this for you and explain... keep reading
3 ways of sharing Word documents in SharePoint and OneDrive
By Greg Zelfond, SharePoint Maven
One of the biggest advantages of using a cloud platform like SharePoint is the ability to share documents with others by sharing links instead of attach- ments in the email. There are lots of advantages to this, all of which I docu- mented in an earlier post. However, there is also another great set of features related to sharing when you share Word documents. So today, I want to ex- plain a few different ways/modes available when... keep reading
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Spring 2023
New Hires Amjad “AJ” Rashid
We would like to recognize and congratulate our 2nd quarter 2023 EAA employee anniversaries. Thank you for your dedicated service and we wish you many more successful years ahead! Anniversaries
Destiny Guerra Field Inspection Technician
Information Technology Director
Date Of Hire
Recognized at Board
Years of Service
Destiny joined the Regulatory Affairs department on March 18, 2023. Des- tiny received two Associate degrees from St. Phillip’s College and will gra- duate with a Bachelor of Science de- gree in Water Resources Science and Technology from Texas A&M Uni- versity-San Antonio in May. Destiny
AJ joined the Information Techno- logy services department on March 6, 2023. AJ received a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Sys- tems and a Master of Business Admi- nistration inManagement Information Systems from Western International University. AJ is also certified on
Roberto Esquilin Damon Childs
03/26/1998 05/07/2018
04/11/2023 05/09/2023
25 Years 5 Years
Deadlines and Events
comes to the EAA with one year. Destiny most recently held the position of Intern for Field Inspection at the EAA and will be working full-time in the same department. As an Intern, Destiny assisted with verification testing, basic electronic setup, installing new equipment during on-site visits, obtaining meter readings, and performing meter rea- ding data entry. Destiny will be responsible for providing support to various regulatory compliance programs, inclu- ding compliance and enforcement field investigations.
multiple technology platforms for Microsoft and Cisco. AJ comes to the EAA with over 25 years of experience in building I.T. infrastructures/services from the ground up and is well versed in systems, networks, databases, cyber security and VOIP Telecommunications. AJ will be responsible for managing and directing all activities associated with the development and implementation of the EAA’s management information system (MIS) and telecommunications.
April 07 Payday April 13 Staff Meeting April 14 Timesheets Due April 19 Procurement, Contracting & Contractors Training April 21 San Jacinto Day State Holiday April 21 Payday April 25 Neogov eforms Training April 27 Timesheets Due April 28 Battle of Flowers Holiday - Office Closed May 05 Payday May 11 Staff Meeting May 12 Timesheets Due May 18 Annual Cyber Security Training May 19 Payday May 24 TDCRS Retirement Seminar & Individual Counseling May 26 Timesheets Due May 29 Memorial Day - Office Closed June 01 Field Safety Protocol Training June 02 Payday June 09 Timesheets Due
Ma rga r e t Ros s Tama r a P i nzon Tamau j Thoma s Ma r t i n He r nandez Chuck Ah r ens Ben Ur banczyk Ri cha r d Gonza l ez
Ap r i l 04 Ap r i l 13 Ap r i l 14 Ap r i l 16 Ap r i l 18 Ap r i l 24 Ap r i l 27 Ap r i l 30 May 08 May 15 May 20 May 21 May 30 May 31 May 31 June 09 June 09 June 19 June 25
Karen Mendiondo Communications Intern
Sheikh Kenneh Communications Intern
Karen joined the EAAon January 9, 2023. Karen is currently pursuing a PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from the University of Texas – SanAntonio with an expec- ted graduation date of May 2024.
Sheikh joined the EAA on January 23, 2023. Sheikh is pursuing a Master of Science degree in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Texas – San Antonio with an expected gradua- tion date of December 2024.
R E T I R E M E N T We would like to wish Robin Tremallo a happy and healthy retirement! Thank you for 24 years of dedicated and loyal service to the EAA!
Wa l ke r Cag l e
J av i e r He r nandez Oma r Be t ha r t e
Ea r l Pa r ke r I I
Chad Fu r l
June 15
Staff Meeting
Al ys s a Ba l zen
June 16 Payday June 19 Juneteenth Holiday - Office Closed June 21 ACI Health & Wellness Webinar June 23 Timesheets Due June 30 Payday
Ana s t ac i o Moncada
Joey Tova r
Ad r i an Lopez
Thoma s Ma r s a l i a
Roe l Loe r a Pau l At on
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