2024 EAA Training & Development Catalog

Employee Training and Development Catalog 2024 Guide for Edwards Aquifer Authority Employees

A Message from Human Resources This training catalog is your guide for information regarding cours - es facilitated by EAA Human Resources, Information Technology, Fi - nance departments, and our benefit representatives for 2024. Our commitment to support a continuous learning environment remains unchanged and the events/courses offered are designed to assist you in enhancing your skills, personally and professionally. Discover a wealth of learning through our on-line platforms such as NEOGOV, Texas Municipal League (TMLIRP), New Horizons Comput - er Learning Centers, and Fred Pryor Career Track. Topics range from communication, time management, software applications, personal growth, and health/wellness. Join us onsite for health/wellness pre - sentations with the YMCA, or virtually for work/life balance, bud - geting, and retirement webinars with ACI Speciality Benefits, PNC Bank, TCDRS, and MissionSquare Retirement. We hope you use this catalog as a guide to plan, request, and sched - ule training in the months to come. If you have questions regard - ing the registration process, course offerings, or find a conference/ training/workshop that would be of benefit to others, please let us

know. We’d love to hear from you. Wishing you the very best in 2024! ~ Your Human Resources Department

Catalog Overview

This catalog provides a Schedule at a Glance and a Schedule by Category view of events for 2024. The Schedule at a Glance will allow you to view the events by each month. The Schedule by Category provides additional information on each event such as designated time, mandatory status, availability, and designat - ed platform/location. In addition, this catalog reviews online training resources available and additional in - formation regarding the registration process for non-EAA events. Links to register and/or attend the events, will be sent to staff and posted to the HR Calendar of Events in SharePoint as it becomes available. Updates to this catalog will be maintained in SharePoint. Mandatory Training All staff will be required to complete/attend the annual DIR CyberSecurity Training, Records Refresher Train - ing, Substance Abuse Awareness Training, and Harassment Awareness and Prevention Training for 2024. In addition, field personnel will be required to attend the Field Safety Protocols training and CPR/1stAid/AED training. Employees who are assigned an EAA company vehicle, and their supervisor, are required to attend the Fleet Management Training. It is the responsibility of each employee to attend the assigned training and complete any necessary paperwork. If mandatory training is to be completed via NEOGOV, Human Resources will assign this training on the cal - endar date specified in this catalog. Staff will have 14 days from the assigned date to complete the training. Since NEOGOV maintains all certificates of completion in the NEOGOV profile, you do not need to send the certificate of completion to Human Resources. If mandatory training is to be completed via Zoom or other platform, Human Resources will send a calendar invite via Outlook for these events as information becomes available. In the event an employee is unable to attend a manadatory training session, they must contact Human Resources for alternate arrangements. Registration for EAA Events Invite links to register and/or attend EAA events, will be sent to staff and posted to the HR Calendar of Events in SharePoint as it becomes available. It is your responsibility to block/reserve the date and time on your outlook calendar. If you’re unable to attend a scheduled appointment/event, please cancel your reservation by contacting Margaret Ross. This will allow other employees on the waiting list to register and attend these events. Registration for Non-EAA Events (Online and/or In-person Conferences, Trainings, or Symposiums) A Request to Attend Conference, Training or Symposium formmust be completed and approved via NEOGOV prior to registering for a non-EAA online and/or in-person conference, training, or symposium. In the event the registration fee is over $1000, you will be prompted in NEOGOV to complete a Salary Reduction Agree - ment. Once both forms have been approved electronically, you may then submit your requisition in the Intacct System. Once your requisition has been approved, you may then register for the online and/or in-per - son conference, training, or symposium. Additional information can be found at the back of this catalog. Duration EAA on-site events lasting for four hours or more, will break for a one hour lunch period. If an event ends earlier than scheduled, you are required to return to your normal work duties.

Schedule at a Glance


01/18/2024 Thursday

Intacct Refresher: Requisitions, POs and Reimbursements Training

01/24/2024 Wednesday Texas Tuition Promise Fund Webinar

February 02/15/2024 Thursday 02/22/2024 Thursday

YMCA Presentation: Four Healthy Keys to Eating Out

Fleet Management Training

March 03/07/2024 Thursday

ServiceDesk Plus Training 03/27/2024 Wednesday PNC Bank Webinar: It’s a Balancing Act - The Sandwich Generation

April 04/04/2024 Thursday

Substance Abuse Awareness Training 04/17/2024 Wednesday Procurement, Contracting & Contractors Training

May 05/09/2024 Thursday

Field Safety Protocols Training 05/22/2024 Wednesday TCDRS Retirement Seminar & Individual Counseling

June 06/06/2024 Thursday 06/13/2024 Thursday

Department of Information Resources: CyberSecurity Training

YMCA Presentation: Managing Your Stress

Schedule at a Glance


07/18/2024 Thursday

EAGIS 2.0 Update Review


08/13/2024 Tuesday Open Enrollment Presentation 2024-2025 Plan Year 08/28/2024 Wednesday ACI Health & Wellness Webinar: Sugar FREEdom


09/04/2024 Wednesday Harassment Awareness & Prevention Training 09/12/2024 Thursday 09/18/2024 Wednesday Procurement, Contracting & Contractors Training

MissionSquare Retirement Presentation: Investing in Volatile Markets


10/03/2024 Thursday CPR/1stAid/AED Training 10/23/2024 Wednesday ACI Health & Wellness Webinar: Dietary Supplements 10/30/2024 Wednesday Records Refresher & SharePoint Tips Training


11/07/2024 Thursday 11/21/2024 Thursday

The Evaluation Process for Supervisory Staff The Evaluation Process for Non-Supervisory Staff



Schedule by Category

The Schedule by Category provides additional information on each event such as designated date, time, target audience, mandatory status, and designated location/platform. For events conducted via NEOGOV, Human Resources will assign the training to staff on the specified date listed. For events conducted via Zoom, WebEx, GoToWebinar, MS Teams, and/or listed as TBD (to be determined), additional instructions, including the invite link, will be sent to staff and posted to the HR Calendar of Events in SharePoint as it become available.

Human Resources





01/24/2024 10:00-11:00 Texas Tuition Promise Fund 08/13/2024 9:00-11:00 Open Enrollment Presentation 11/07/2024 10:00-11:00 The Evaluation Process for Supervisory Staff 11/21/2024 10:00-11:00 The Evaluation Process for Non-Supervisory Staff

All Staff All Staff

No No No

MS Teams

Zoom Zoom

Supervisors +

All Staff








10/30/2024 N/A

Records Refresher & SharePoint Tips Training

All Staff



Information Technology





03/07/2024 10:00-10:30 ServiceDesk Plus Training

All Staff All Staff All Staff

No Yes No


06/06/2024 N/A

DIR CyberSecurity Training


07/18/2024 10:00-10:30 EAGIS 2.0 Update Review







All Staff



01/18/2024 10:00-11:00 Intacct Refresher: Requisitions Pur - chase Orders & Reimbursements 03/27/2024 10:00-11:00 PNC Bank Webinar: Sandwich Gen. 04/17/2024 10:00-11:00 Procurement, Contracting & Contr. 09/18/2024 10:00-11:00 Procurement, Contracting & Contr.

All Staff All Staff All Staff

No No No


Zoom Zoom






02/22/2024 10:00-11:00 Fleet Management Training

All Staff

Yes (Drivers & Supvrs)


04/04/2024 TBD

Substance Abuse Awareness

All Staff



05/09/2024 10:00-11:00 Field Safety Protocols Training

All Staff Yes (Field Staff)

Zoom Zoom Zoom

09/04/2024 9:30-11:30 09/04/2024 1:00-3:00

Harassment Awareness Training

All Staff

Yes Yes

Harassment Awareness Training Supervisors +

10/03/2024 TBD

CPR/1st Aid/AED Training

All Staff Yes (Field Staff)

Recharge Rm






02/15/2024 11:30-12:30 YMCA: Four Healthy Keys to Eating Out Presentation 06/13/2024 11:30-12:30 YMCA: Managing Your Stress 08/28/2024 10:00-11:00 ACI Webinar: Surgar FREEdom 10/23/2024 10:00-11:00 ACI Webinar: Dietary Supplements

All Staff


Recharge Rm

All Staff All Staff All Staff

No No No

Recharge Rm

ACI/Zoom ACI/Zoom






05/22/2024 10:00-11:00 TCDRS Retirement Webinar & Individual Counseling 09/12/2024 11:30-12:30 MissionSquare Webinar Investing in Volatile Markets

All Staff



All Staff



Online Training Resources

The following online training resources are available and may be taken, during normal working hours, with the approval of your immediate supervisor. With the exception of NEOGOV, certificates of completion should be forwarded to Human Resources for placement in your personnel file. If you have questions or experience any issues with these training resources, please contact Margaret Ross.

NEOGOV Learn has over 1000 pre-built courses with new courses being added on a quarterly basis. Course topics include Microsoft Teams, Excel, Access, business skills, cyber security, health, lead - ership and time management.

How To Access The Training Login to NEOGOV and navigate to your Dashboard. Under Training, select the EAA Course Catalog tab. You have the option to search for a course in the search field or use the filter to search for a course by Catego - ries, Type or Duration.

Did You Know... As a supervisor, you have the ability to assign training to your staff via NEOGOV!

Here’s how: 1. Navigate to your NEOGOV Dashboard 2. Click People to view your Team/locate your employee.

3. Click the drop down arrow in the Actions box and select Enroll in a Course. 4. Select Online or Classroom. (Online courses are all pre-built courses in NeoGov) 5. Using the Search field, Search for the course to be assigned to your employee. 6. Select the box to the left of the course title. 7. Click Enroll at the top right of the screen. The training has successfully been assigned.

The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool provides the EAA with quality loss prevention training opportunities. Courses have been creat - ed with adult learning styles in mind, and each course module is timed for one short session, usually 25-35 minutes in length. Course topics include risk man - agement, human resources, safety and law enforcement (many are TCOLE ap - proved).

How To Access The Training To start taking courses, login to TMLIRP’s Online Learning Center and navigate to the Course Catalog. You will have the option to search for a course in the search field.

The EAA has continued its partnership with New Horizons for 2024! This partnership includes “live” virtual training on Microsoft Office Applications, Adobe and workplace fundamentals.

Course offerings can be viewed on the New Horizons Website. Keep in mind, our corporate membership only covers a selected group of courses. Therefore, you must first verify the course is part of this program prior to enrolling in the course. Course verification is communicated, via email, through our New Horizons representative, Kristie Navarette. New Horizons Enrollment Instructions 1. To verify the course is included in our corporate membership program, send an email request to kristie. navarette@newhorizons.com. In your email subject line, indicate EAA Corporate Membership Course Verification Request. In the body of your email, include the course name, description, date, and time. 2. Once confirmation is received, you will need to submit a Request to Attend a Conference Form via NEOGOV. Attach your email correspondence regarding the course to the request. Enter the cost and details of the course on the form. In the Additional Notes field, indicate the course is part of the EAA Corporate Membership Program. Once the Request to Attend a Conference Form is approved, you may proceed to the next step to enroll in the course. 3. To enroll in the course, respond to Kristie Navarette via email. In your subject line, indicate EAA Corpo - rate Membership Enrollment Request. In the body of your email, include the course name, description, date, time, and that you’ve received internal authorization for the course and would like to officially enroll. Our representative will confirm enrollment, manually enroll you in the course, and provide you with an access code/login instructions. On the date of the course, you will log in to the “live” instructor led training in which you can “see” the instructor and interact with them through a microphone headset or via the text chat feature. Since all sessions are recorded, you will have the ability to go back through the session, including labs, for up to six months “post class” - ensuring a thorough understanding of the material.

To attend a Fred Pryor+ off-site/on-line seminar, you are required to submit a Request to Attend a Confer - ence Form via NEOGOV. Course offerings can be viewed on the Fred Pryor+ Website. If you would like to join the Fred Pryor+ Program, the cost is $199 per person. This annual membership of - fers more than 12,000 off-site seminars, over 5,000 on-line courses, and over 3,500 micro-learning courses. Course topics range from accounting, communication, compliance and workplace safety, customer service, IT, leadership, project and time management. In addition, a majority of these courses offer continuing ed - ucation credits for CEU, CPE, HRCI, PDC and PDU. If you have questions regarding the course offerings or are interested in joining the Pryor+ Program, please reach out to Margaret Ross.

Additional Information

The following additional information applies to non-EAA online and/or in-person conferences, train- ings or symposiums. Non-EAA online and/or in-person conferences, trainings, or symposiums, may be taken with the approv - al of your immediate supervisor. Certificates of completion should be forwarded to Human Resources for placement in your personnel file. A Request to Attend Conference, Training or Symposium form must be completed and approved via NeoGov prior to registering/paying for a non-EAA online and/or in-person conference, training, or sym - posium. In the event the conference, training or symposium registration fee is over $1000, you will be prompted in NEOGOV to complete a Salary Reduction Agreement.* Once the forms have been approved electron - ically, you may then submit your requisition in the Intacct System. Once the requisition has been ap - proved, you may then register/pay for the online and/or in-person conference, training, or symposium. Forward this receipt, along with appropriate purchase order number/information, as per accounting procedure, to your appropriate director. When attending the conference, be sure to keep receipts of expenses incurred, as noted on your approved request. To request reimbursement for these expenses, you’ll need to submit a Staff Expense Reimbursement via Intacct. If you have questions regarding this process, or would like to know the status of your submitted Request to Attend a Conference, Training or Symposium, you may reach out to Margaret Ross.


* A Salary Reduction Agreement states that employees who terminate employment within six (6) months from attending a conference where the cost of the registration is $1000 or greater will be required to pay back this amount. The cost of the repayment is prorated for each month that remains of the six months.

STEP 3 Register/Pay for the Conference, Training, or Symposium using appropriate EAA credit card. Forward this receipt, along with appropriate purchase order number/information, as per accounting procedure, to your appropriate director. PROCESSING TIME: 1 DAY STEP 4 When attending the conference, keep receipts of expenses incurred, as noted on the approved Request to Attend a Conference, Training, or Symposium. To request reimbursement, submit a Staff Expense Reimbursement via Intacct. PROCESSING TIME: 5-10 DAYS STEP 2 Submit a Requisition via Intacct. Upload approved Request to Attend a Conference, Training, or Symposium form as supporting documentation. Go to the next step once approval has been received. PROCESSING TIME: 2-5 DAYS STEP 1 Submit a Request to Attend a Conference, Training, or Symposium form and Salary Reduction Agreement, if applicable, via NEOGOV. Go to the next step once approval has been received. PROCESSING TIME: 2-5 DAYS

Edwards Aquifer Authority Human Resources Department hr@edwardsaquifer.org

Catalog Release Date: 01/03/2024

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