2024 EAA Training & Development Catalog

Additional Information

The following additional information applies to non-EAA online and/or in-person conferences, train- ings or symposiums. Non-EAA online and/or in-person conferences, trainings, or symposiums, may be taken with the approv - al of your immediate supervisor. Certificates of completion should be forwarded to Human Resources for placement in your personnel file. A Request to Attend Conference, Training or Symposium form must be completed and approved via NeoGov prior to registering/paying for a non-EAA online and/or in-person conference, training, or sym - posium. In the event the conference, training or symposium registration fee is over $1000, you will be prompted in NEOGOV to complete a Salary Reduction Agreement.* Once the forms have been approved electron - ically, you may then submit your requisition in the Intacct System. Once the requisition has been ap - proved, you may then register/pay for the online and/or in-person conference, training, or symposium. Forward this receipt, along with appropriate purchase order number/information, as per accounting procedure, to your appropriate director. When attending the conference, be sure to keep receipts of expenses incurred, as noted on your approved request. To request reimbursement for these expenses, you’ll need to submit a Staff Expense Reimbursement via Intacct. If you have questions regarding this process, or would like to know the status of your submitted Request to Attend a Conference, Training or Symposium, you may reach out to Margaret Ross.


* A Salary Reduction Agreement states that employees who terminate employment within six (6) months from attending a conference where the cost of the registration is $1000 or greater will be required to pay back this amount. The cost of the repayment is prorated for each month that remains of the six months.

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