2024 EAA Training & Development Catalog
The EAA has continued its partnership with New Horizons for 2024! This partnership includes “live” virtual training on Microsoft Office Applications, Adobe and workplace fundamentals.
Course offerings can be viewed on the New Horizons Website. Keep in mind, our corporate membership only covers a selected group of courses. Therefore, you must first verify the course is part of this program prior to enrolling in the course. Course verification is communicated, via email, through our New Horizons representative, Kristie Navarette. New Horizons Enrollment Instructions 1. To verify the course is included in our corporate membership program, send an email request to kristie. navarette@newhorizons.com. In your email subject line, indicate EAA Corporate Membership Course Verification Request. In the body of your email, include the course name, description, date, and time. 2. Once confirmation is received, you will need to submit a Request to Attend a Conference Form via NEOGOV. Attach your email correspondence regarding the course to the request. Enter the cost and details of the course on the form. In the Additional Notes field, indicate the course is part of the EAA Corporate Membership Program. Once the Request to Attend a Conference Form is approved, you may proceed to the next step to enroll in the course. 3. To enroll in the course, respond to Kristie Navarette via email. In your subject line, indicate EAA Corpo - rate Membership Enrollment Request. In the body of your email, include the course name, description, date, time, and that you’ve received internal authorization for the course and would like to officially enroll. Our representative will confirm enrollment, manually enroll you in the course, and provide you with an access code/login instructions. On the date of the course, you will log in to the “live” instructor led training in which you can “see” the instructor and interact with them through a microphone headset or via the text chat feature. Since all sessions are recorded, you will have the ability to go back through the session, including labs, for up to six months “post class” - ensuring a thorough understanding of the material.
To attend a Fred Pryor+ off-site/on-line seminar, you are required to submit a Request to Attend a Confer - ence Form via NEOGOV. Course offerings can be viewed on the Fred Pryor+ Website. If you would like to join the Fred Pryor+ Program, the cost is $199 per person. This annual membership of - fers more than 12,000 off-site seminars, over 5,000 on-line courses, and over 3,500 micro-learning courses. Course topics range from accounting, communication, compliance and workplace safety, customer service, IT, leadership, project and time management. In addition, a majority of these courses offer continuing ed - ucation credits for CEU, CPE, HRCI, PDC and PDU. If you have questions regarding the course offerings or are interested in joining the Pryor+ Program, please reach out to Margaret Ross.
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