2024 HR Insider Spring Newsletter

Spring 2024

New Hires

We would like to recognize and congratulate our 2nd quarter 2024 EAA employee anniversaries. Thank you for your dedicated service and we wish you many more successful years ahead! Anniversaries

Jacob Goldstein Information Technology Intern

Patrick Havard Accountant I


Date Of Hire Recognized at Board Years of Service

Sarah Valdez Raquel Garza

5/3/2004 6/1/1999 6/29/2009 6/29/2009

5/14/2024 6/11/2024 7/9/2024 7/9/2024

20 Years 25 Years 15 Years 15 Year

Jacob joined the EAA on January 22nd. Jacob is pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Computer Information Systems from Texas A&M University-San Antonio with a graduation date of May 2024.

Patrick joined the Financial Ser - vices department on February 5th. Patrick received a Bachelor of Science degree inAccounting from the University of Phoenix. Patrick comes to the EAA with over 20 years of experience in hospitality,

Anastacio Moncada

Brent Doty

Deadlines and Events

budgeting, purchasing functions, and vendor relations. Patrick is responsible for coordinating and performing daily accounting, finance, and budgeting functions for the EAA.

April 04 Substance Abuse Awareness Training April 05 Payday April 11 Staff Meeting April 12 Timesheets Due April 17 Procurement & Contracting Training April 19 Payday April 25 Timesheets Due April 26 Battle of Flowers - Office Closed May 03 Payday May 09 Field Safety Protocols Training May 10 Timesheets Due May 16 Staff Meeting May 17 Payday May 22 TCDRS Retirement Seminar May 24 Timesheets Due May 27 Memorial Day - Office Closed May 31 Payday June 06 CyberSecurity Training June 07 Timesheets Due June 07 ServiceDesk Plus Training June 14 Payday June 13 Staff Meeting June 13 YMCA Presentation: Managing your stress June 19 Juneteenth - Office Closed

June 21 June 28

Timesheets Due

RavenWeitzenhoffer Communications & Development Intern


Raven joined the EAA on January 22nd. Raven is pursuing a Bache - lor of Arts degree in Environmen - tal Studies from Trinity University with a graduation date of May 2024.

2nd Quarter Birthdays

Chinedu Okoro Data Analyst II

Chinedu joined the Data Mana - gement department on April 1st. Chinedu received a Bachelor of Science degree from the Universi- ty of Texas at San Antonio. Chine - du comes to the EAA with 7 years of experience in database manage -

Anna Heikes Groundwatrer Protection Intern

April 4 April 7 April 14 April 16 April 24 April 27 April 30 May 18 May 20 May 21 May 30 May 31 May 31 May 7 May 8 June 9 June 9 June 19 June 25 June 25 June 25

Margaret Ross Anna Heikes Tamauj Thomas Martin Hernandez Ben Urbanczyk Richard Gonzalez Walker Cagle Nayeli Esquilin Javier Hernandez Derek Hausmann Earl Parker II Chad Furl Alyssa Balzen Jose Tovar Anastacio Moncada Thomas Marsalia Adrian Lopez Roel Loera

Anna joined the EAA on January 24th. Anna is pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Geosciences from Trinity Universi- ty with an expected graduation date of May 2026.

ment and IT systems analysis. Chinedu is responsible for performing analysis of EAA collected environmental data in support of scientific investigations and research of the Edwards Aquifer and its contributing watersheds in support of the mission and values of the Edwards Aquifer Authority.

Zoe Frausto Field Inspection Intern

Zoe joined the EAA on January 22nd. Zoe is is pur - suing a Bachelor of Scien- ce degree in Environmental Geosciences from Trinity University with an expec - ted graduation date of May 2025.

Chinedu Okoro Patrick Havard Paul Aton

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