2024 HR Insider Summer newsletter no back cover

Summer 2024

Retirement Mission Square Retirement Upcoming Education Webinars Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs): What, How and When


ment, including Medicare and Long-Term Care con - siderations. Social Security: Understanding Your Retirement Benefit Options Wednesday, August 28th - As you near retirement, one of the biggest financial decisions to make is when to begin receiving Social Security benefits. With pensi - ons disappearing, Social Security remains the major source of guaranteed lifetime retirement income for most Americans, so it’s important to explore your op - tions and make an informed decision. An Introduction to Annuities Wednesday, September 4th - Baby Boomers are facing a retirement that may last 30 years or more. But many retirees will need to supplement their retirement inco - me as fewer have access to traditional pension plans they can depend on. See if and how an annuity plays a role in your future. Tax Laws and Your Retirement Wednesday, September 11th - Taxes may be the hidden expense in your retirement plan. Take a closer look at understanding how taxes work, and how to prepare for and manage your tax liabilities in retirement. 10 Questions for a Successful Retirement: A Guide for the Retiree Wednesday, September 18th - Transitioning into and through retirement can be rewarding and challenging. So having a plan is important. We’ll focus on 10 key questions you should ask, from saving, to Social Se - curity and Medicare, and managing your investments, withdrawals, and taxes. The Medicare Puzzle: Understanding Your Medi - care Options Wednesday, September 25th - There are many pieces to the Medicare puzzle you need to be aware of. Gain insight to Medicare and the importance of knowing just when you need to apply. All webinars are held from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Register HERE for all webinars.

Wednesday, July 17th - JThe RMD landscape has gone through many changes over the past couple of years. With SECURE 2.0, we’re faced with even more. Here we look at those changes and how you can help pre - pare yourself for the inevitable day when you need to begin your RMD. Retirement Income Planning: Tips to Help Make Your Money Last Wednesday, July 24th - Understanding how much in - come you’ll need to support the retirement you want, and positioning your assets to provide that income, is important. While there’s no one-size-fits-all plan, the - re are steps you can take to maximize the possibility of

ENVISION YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE Retirement planning begins on day one. Join TCDRS for a webinar to review how your TCDRS retirement plan works and how life changes can impact your benefits. We’ll also discuss the importance of saving outside your TCDRS plan. The earlier you start saving for retirement, the more options you’ll have when you are ready to take that next step. 2 Sessions - Wednesday, August 7th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. and Friday, September 20th, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Click HERE to register. PREPARING FOR A SUCCESSFUL TCDRS RETIREMENT Retirement is not just about the money. If you are thinking about retiring in the next five years, join TCDRS for a webinar about how to plan for a successful retirement. We’ll not only talk about the financial aspect of retirement, but the emotional transition as well. Plus, we’ll walk you through the steps for processing your TCDRS retire - ment. 3 Sessions - Wednesday, July 24th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 23rd, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. and Wednesday, September 11th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Click HERE to register. WELCOME TO TCDRS If you’re a new hire and have questions about your TCDRS benefit, this webinar is for you! You’ll learn how TCDRS is unique and how it helps you save for your future. You’ll also find out why it’s important to designate a beneficiary and register for your online account. Then we’ll show you all the resources TCDRS offers to help you retire with confidence. Friday, August 2nd 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. Click HERE to register. HOSTED By the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner - Understanding Credit Retirement planning is more than just understanding your TCDRS benefits. Join TCDRS as we host speakers from the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner (OCCC), the state agency that provides regulatory oversight of Texas’ financial marketplace. The OCCC educates consumers about credit, debt, their rights, responsibilities, protections and safeguards against abusive and deceptive lending practices. Wednesday, September 25th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Click HERE to register. HOSTED By theAssociation of Financial Educators - Understanding Medicare & Long-TermCare Retirement planning is more than just understanding your TCDRS benefits. Join TCDRS as we host speakers from the Association of Financial Educators to provide you with additional information related to budgeting, saving, and other financial resources to help you plan for retirement and the unexpected on your road to retirement. Thursday, September 12th, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Click HERE to register.

a financially secure retirement. Market Update Workshop

Wednesday, July 31st - Join MissionSquare Retire - ment for an update on the financial markets including popular topics such as: economic overview, inflation/

raising interest rates, and much more! How to Pay Off and Prevent Debt

Wednesday, August 7th - Are you concerned about your level of debt? You’re not alone. Here we look at some guiding principles of dealing with debt, how to attack paying it off, and, perhaps more importantly, discuss the importance of preventing it from happe - ning in the first place. The Importance of Long-Term Care Planning in Retirement Wednesday, August 14th - According to the federal go - vernment, a majority of people over age 65 will need some type of long-term health care, with a significant number of people needing care in a nursing home. Learn how you can plan for this expense. How Health can Affect Your Wealth in Retirement Wednesday, August 21st - An in-depth look into the many different aspects of planning and preparing for unexpected (and expected) healthcare costs in retire

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