2024 HR Insider Summer newsletter no back cover
Summer 2024
Mission Square Retirement Presentation: Investing in Volatile Markets
SEPTEMBER 12, 2024
TIME: 2:00 - 2:40 LOCATION/PLATEFORM: RECHARGE ROOM/ IN-PERSON Markets move and can experience sudden, temporary declines. To achieve your retirement goals, it's important to remain committed to your long-term investing plan amid news that can be unsettling. Put volatility in perspective.
EAGIS 2.0 Update Review
JULY 18, 2024
TIME: 10:00 - 10:30 LOCATION/PLATEFORM: VIRTUAL/ZOOM This session will provide information regarding updates to EAGIS 2.0. Staff will have an opportunity to ask gen - eral questions and learn best practices for using the system.
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Open Enrollment Presentation 2024-2025 Plan Year
AUGUST 19, 2024
MissionSquare Retirement Site Visit with Roland Quintanilla
SEPTEMBER 12, 2024
This informative session is designed to guide staff through the process of re-evaluating and selecting their health benefits for the upcoming 2024-2025 plan year. This event is a valuable opportunity for employees to ensure that they make informed decisions about their health coverage. Benefit representatives will discuss available plans and answer questions relating to open enrollment.
TIME: 2:40 - 5:20 LOCATION/PLATEFORM: ARTESIAN ROOM/IN-PERSON Area representative Roland Quintanilla, who serves as the MissionSquare Retirement Plans Specialist for the MissionSquare Deferred Compensation Plan will be available for one-on-one consultations: • Provide portfolio reviews for your 457 Deferred Compensation Plan • Offer insight and review the investment options available in the MissionSquare 457 Deferred Compensation Plan • Assist with updating contribution levels, beneficiaries, and other service matters • Not Enrolled? Retirement Planning Information and 457 Enrollment assistance will be available. • Interested in a Roth IRA? MissionSquare can help you establish one. To reserve your appointment, click HERE
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ACI Health & Wellness Webinar: Sugar FREEdom
AUGUST 28, 2024
Sugar cravings can be a powerful force in our dai - ly lives, and often, they signal a larger issue – an excessive consumption of sugar. In this enlight - ening seminar, we embark on a journey to under - stand the true nature of sugar, where it stealthily hides in our favorite foods, and most importantly, discover practical tips to curb those relentless sugar cravings. Click to REGISTER Registration is Required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing in - formation about joining the meeting.
Procurement, Contracting, & Contractors
SEPTEMBER 18, 2024
The EAA policy is to secure the highest quality good and services for EAA funds available. This includes award - ing contracts to those vendors that provide the most advantageous goods capable of meeting the needs of the orga - nization. This session will review the EAA Procurement Procedures, M/WBE Program, and Inclusion Initiatives. Topics include: Procurement Thresholds and Types; Procurement Methods; Contracts and Agreements; and M/ WBE Program. EA.
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