Gallery of FRP Birds On the following pages is a selection of birds observed and photographed at the FRP in the spring of 2020. Larger birds at the FRP include the vocal Mockingbird and reclusive Yellow- billed Cuckoo reside in the tree canopy. Scavengers and predators like Black Vultures and Red-tailed Hawks can often be seen soaring overhead on thermal currents, while Red- Shouldered Hawks patiently perch high in oak trees. In the understory, a myriad assortment of warblers can be observed gleaning insects from leaves and tree bark. Larger songbirds like the buntings, Cardinal, and Tanager often perch higher in the tree canopy before descending to forage for seeds and insects. Small active birds can be seen scampering over rocks in search of insects or hovering above wildflowers.
Larger Non-Predatory Birds
Northern Mockingbird Mimics up to 200 bird calls and man-made sounds Often sings at night Designated as the State Bird of Texas in 1927 Yellow-billed Cuckoo Diet in spring and summer consists mostly of caterpillars Generally shy, hiding in tree canopy Winters in South America, population declining due to habitat loss
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