
Our interns have been busy too. Roxanne Eguia and April Myers have been making educational videos. Roxanne’s video features an activity for a make-your- own rain gauge using items that can be found in any household. April’s video describes how caves are made and talks about a few of the animals that live in the Edwards Aquifer. The videos will be appearing on our website in the next few weeks, so be sure to look out for them if you want to do some fun science-based activities with your classroom or even with the kids at home.

Our summer internship has ended, and we wish Roxanne much success in her last semester at university and congratulate April on graduating cum laude. WI T H SUMME R END I NG AND T HE NEW S CHOOL Y E AR B EG I NN I NG , WE ’ R E ANX I OUS LY AWA I T I NG T HE ARR I VA L OF OUR FA L L I NT E RNS AND A L L T HE L E ARN I NG E XP E R I ENC E T HAT E ACH NEW S EME S T E R BR I NGS .

We wish everyone a safe and productive school year!

PHOTO ABOVE: Pollinators visit the EOC Demonstration Garden.

PHOTO ABOVE: A rain barrel stands alone before the EOC Demonstration Garden is planted.



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