The Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) developed our Automated Meter Reading (AMR) program to assist well owners in meeting their obligation to report groundwater use to the EAA. As specified in the EAA Act, and described in EAA’s rules, all well owners who operate under a groundwater withdrawal permit issued by the EAA must file an Annual Groundwater Use Report each calendar year. To facilitate annual use reporting, EAA staff prepare reporting forms to collect monthly and year-end meter readings and mails the reporting forms to well owners in December as the year ends. Well Owners must file their reports by January 31st of each year, listing monthly and year-end meter readings, along with a calculation of annual use for the preceding calendar year. In addition, during periods of declared Critical Period Management (CPM), permit holders who are permitted to withdraw more than 3 acre-feet annually, must file Monthly Groundwater Use Reports. These monthly forms were also mailed to affected permit holders, requiring monthly beginning and ending meter readings and calculated usage. These monthly reporting forms were due to the EAA within 10 business days after each month experiencing CPM conditions. Parts of the EAA region experienced CPM conditions in 10 of the past 13 years since EAA groundwater permits were finalized in 2007. The result has been that well owners received multiple mailings and filed a lot of reporting forms in order to meet the requirements in EAA’s rules.
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