

By: EAA EOC Staff

The artwork is displayed at the EOC, and teachers take it back to their classrooms, where it serves as a reminder of the lessons learned on their journey. Magic and Science: Water Magic with the Astonishing Mr. Pitts For younger students, there’s nothing quite as cap tivating as the magic of water—especially when it’s combined with science. Enter the Astonishing Mr. Pitts, who brings water conservation to life through magic tricks and puppet shows. As students volun teer to assist in the tricks, they learn about the prop erties of water and why conserving it is so important,

all while laughing and clapping along with the show.

they’re connected to the land around them. It’s all about making that connection.” Exploring the Outdoors: Nature Navigators The adventure wraps up with a short, guided hike to the Field Research Park. As students explore the natural landscape, they discover native plants, animals, and geological features that make this area so special. Laminated booklets help stu dents identify what they see along the way, rein forcing the lessons they’ve learned in a real-world setting.

As the hike concludes, students leave with a sense of accomplishment and a deeper appreciation for the natural world around them. A Lasting Impact Each station at the EOC offers students the chance to engage with science, nature, and conservation in a hands-on way, all while fostering a deeper under standing of the Edwards Aquifer. The experience is designed to inspire curiosity and instill a sense of responsibility for protecting this vital resource for generations to come.

After their visit, many students leave with more than just memories—they leave with a new outlook on the importance of water and the environment. And as they head back to their classrooms, the lessons learned at the EOC will continue to ripple out, shaping the way they think about the world around them.

“We want visitors to walk away not just with knowledge, but with a sense of wonder about the natural world.”

A Wild Adventure: Water and Wildlife

The next stop on the journey is a live animal pre sentation that introduces students to the creatures that call the Edwards Aquifer area home. From snakes and toads to birds and insects, students get a chance to touch and interact with the animals, learn ing about their unique adaptations and how they sur vive in the aquifer’s ecosystem.

“The kids love this station,” says one volunteer. “They get so excited to hold the animals and see how



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