2024 HR Insider Spring Newsletter

Spring 2024

Information Technology EAGIS

Endpoint Central Cloud Y ou may have encountered this pop-up before. Our IT department has success - fully implemented the ManageEngine Endpoint Central Cloud Agent. This agent ena - bles us to maintain your computer’s up-to-date status and offer remote assistance to our users, whether they are working from home, in the field, or at the office

C y b e r S e c u r i t y

Pro t e c t your s e l f and t he EAA by l e a rn i ng t o t r a ck down t he s e s i gn s o f ph i s h i ng ema i l s ! My s t e r i o u s Me s s a g e s Phishing emails often appear to come from someone you know or trust. But they can also come from unknown senders. Always check the sender’s email address U r g e n t D e m a n d s Phishing messages often direct you to take action immediately, implying that something negative will happen if you don’t. These messages are meant to get you to react before you think. Always stop and think before taking action. Does the request make sense? S n e a k y L i n k s One of the most common signs of phishing is the request to open an unexpected link or attachment. Malicious links or attachments can be used to steal your login info or other data. Never open links or attachments from unknown or suspicious senders. If you need to sign in to a website, go directly to the known, legitimate address. B e f o r e t a k i n g a n a c t i o n , s t o p , l o o k , a n d t h i n k ! Does i t seem suspicious , out of place, or just strange? Then report the message and delete i t immediately! U p t i m e

T he IT department has suc- cessfully completed the latest iteration of EAGIS Enhancements based on valuable user feedback. Below are the key updates:Reports Module: Reports can now be generated based on the unique ID within the mail merge section. 1. Quick Entry Tab: The Quick Entry tab is now seamlessly linked to the meter readings notes tab in the Meters module. 2. Email Functionality: We have added email functionality to the workflows in the Well

Page, Well Construction Page, and Enforcement Page. 3. Secondary Contact: The Con - tact tab on the entity page now includes a secondary contact field. 4. Notes Tab: Anew Notes tab has been introduced on the contact page. 5. POU Primary Entity Check - box: In the POU modules’ en - tities tab, you’ll find a primary entity checkbox for streamli - ned management. 6. NIFC Tab: The POU Page now features a dedicated NIFC (No -

tice of Intent to Finish Out a Crop) tab for crop details. Ac - tive meters are automatically populated into this tab. 7. Enhanced Search Filters: We’ve added additional search filters to the pages for wells, well construction, permits, and meters. Your input matters! If you have any further ideas or suggestions for im- proving the EAGIS permitting sys - tem, please share them with us at itgroup@edwardsaquifer.org.

Technology Upgrades IT is pleased to inform you that our IT staff is currently in the process of upgrading laptops and monitors. We are replacing existing equi - pment with precision workstations and Dell curved monitors. As of year-to-date, we have successfully completed 28 installations. Please be on the lookout for emails from the IT department regarding your specific equip - ment upgrades.

S p a n n i n g B a c k u p

In the event of lost emails, our IT department has im- plemented Spanning Bac- kup to facilitate the restora -

I T h a s t o o l s i n p l a c e t h a t c a p - t u r e t h e y e a r l y p e r c e n t a g e o f u p t i m e . I n 2 0 2 4 t h e a v e r a g e u p t i m e o f a l l s y s t e m s w a s a b o v e 9 9 % . I T s t r i v e s t o e n s u r e a l l s y s - t e m s a r e a l w a y s a v a i l a b l e .

tion of deleted messages. You can find Spanning in your Office 365 apps grid. Notably, Spanning empowers both end-users and administrators to swiftly locate and restore data to its original state with minimal effort. Whether it’s accidental deletion, sync errors, or other issues, Spanning streamlines the restoration pro - cess

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